Chapter 41 | The Nameless Boy

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Chapter 41 | The Nameless Boy


"If you don't love
Y o u r s e l f
you won't recognise
when someone
d o e s."

- Bridgett Devoue



He stood alone in a blue world.

The vibrant, pulsing colour surrounded him like an endless ocean, stretching out on either side as far as the eye could see. He thought he heard a sound, but when he turned his head, he realised he no longer had a head to turn. He had become an existence only, a lonely soul floating through an infinite sky.

I will not forget. He told himself resolutely. I cannot forget. They are counting on me to remember.

He wandered on, further and further, repeating the words like a mantra.

I will not forget.

I cannot forget.

I must remember.

I will not forget.

I cannot forget.

I must remember.

In the ceaseless stretch of blue, a ripple appeared, like someone had thrown a stone in a pool. Nathaniel paused to study it, watching as the ripples spread further and further until they reached his bodiless form. And with the ripple came a warm wind.

Weren't you supposed to remember something? The wind asked him.

Nathaniel frowned. That's right. He had a purpose. The mantra began again.

I will not forget.

I cannot forget.

I must remember.

The wind laughed at him. What are you remembering? It asked playfully.

Nate paused, looking towards the wind that had coiled and danced in front of him until it became a small whirlwind. The tail of the whirlwind touched the surface of the unbroken sea of blue and suddenly a hole appeared beneath it. Small at first, Nathaniel watched the hole carefully. And gradually, the blue space around the hole began to warp and bend, as though it were being sucked away like water down a plug hole.

Rapidly the hole began to expand.

Nathaniel recoiled away from it, slowly at first before breaking into a run. But no matter how fast he ran, the hole continued to grow, devouring the blue world around him, even as the wind danced laughingly at his side.

Its going to catch up.

As soon as the thought entered his mind it became truth and the black hole collapsed around the edges of his vision, dragging him under and consuming him entirely.

And as then as quickly as the hole had appeared it vanished, and the blue world became a still ocean once more.


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