Chapter 48 | Full Circle

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Hi Guys,

Sorry for making you wait for this Chapter - I had massive writers block and found it really hard to write. I've also been shut out of my Wattpad account on my other devices apart from my old laptop which I'm currently uploading on - and Wattpad confirmation email for password change still hasn't come through. Hopefully I get this issue sorted out soon. This Chapter was supposed to be up last night but was delayed again due to this issue.

Love Daisy x


Chapter 48 | Full Circle


And if this is how it
e n d s ,
do your upmost
to remember that
I love
y o u .

- Wattpad Quotes (source unknown)



Far away, deep under the ocean waves, where the water was blank and empty and almost claustrophobic in its vastness, Circe swam on, aware of what she was leaving behind, but ignorant to the details.

Her golden tail flickered, a teardrop of sunlight amidst the otherwise endless blue landscape. Ambrose was difficult to keep up with once he was underwater and in his natural form, and her thoughts that otherwise might have strayed, were solely focused on not losing sight of the lithe form of the Water Sprite as he powered ahead, leading the way to his home.

Because it was not her home. Of this, Circe was certain.

Her home lay behind her, no doubt rampaging across his ship by now, with fury fuelling the ever-present fire in his golden eyes and the wild ocean wind raging through his ink black hair.

A lump rose in her throat and she swallowed it with effort. You are not leaving him, she thought fiercely, you will see him soon.

So then why did it feel so much like goodbye? 


It had been a long time since Circe had slept in her Siren form, and the habit was not one that came easily. As the water beneath the waves darkened with the approaching night and they stopped to rest – Circe found that although her eyes were closed, sleep would not find her. She was far too restless, and dreams plagued her mind.
There was no substance to them, merely a blend of faces and phrases that tugged at the edges of her thoughts, but it disrupted her rest enough that eventually she gave in, alerting Ambrose, (who did not require sleep,) so that the two of them could continue the journey onwards through the black water.

They talked little during the travel and so eventually – as Circe grew used to keeping pace with Ambrose – her thoughts inevitably wandered back to what she was leaving behind.

She tried not to dwell on it too much, and although she was confident of Obsidian's success, especially with Zalas present, she could not help but worry about the outcome of their fight against Zeus Gold. She was sure he would not return unscathed, and she fervently hoped that his own healing would be enough to sustain him in her absence.

Anthemin had reassured her he would be in contact the moment Obsidian returned, but as of yet, she had received no word. And it remained that way until the day they arrived at the entrance to the Water Kingdom.

So much had happened since her last visit that Circe had completely forgotten the splendour of the ocean surrounding the Water Kingdom, the one the humans called, 'The Sea of Monsters'. As the endless blue ocean gradually gave way for increasingly vibrant colours, Circe found herself enthralled once more.

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