Chapter 29 | Obsidian

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Small Authors Note: The location of Balagar I imagine to be a little bit like Japan in the Winter, (even though I know the name doesn't sound remotely Japanese), and the Inn where they are staying 'The Lotus' is like a traditional Japanese Inn and Hot Pools or 'Onsen.' In Japan you don't wear togs in the Public Baths which is why they are separated into men and women's baths 😊 at most you have a little towel which you can take into the baths with you. Just a little bit of background information for you before you get into the Chapter!


Chapter 29 | Obsidian


'You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.'
- E. E. Cummings



The return trip was a quiet one.

Slowly night fell around them as though it was ink that dripped from the sky above, spreading downwards until it met the ocean and connected, turning the surrounding world a husky grey that darkened with each beat of Anthemin's wings.

They had come further out from the coastline than Circe had imagined, and she was required to send energy to Anthemin two times during the trip in order to sustain his flight, the task of carrying three people taking a heavy toll on his body.

Just as she was beginning to feel him tire for a third time, he acknowledged the coastline of Balagar had come into view and she could not help but breath a small sigh of relief. Pressing her palm firmly against his scaly shoulder, she sent a large portion of her remaining energy into his limbs. He would need to hunt after they landed in order to replenish his deleted energy stores and it would be best if he was not running on empty when he left to do this.

She could feel through their mind link that he found the offer unnecessary, but she brushed him aside, reprimanding him firmly, a sentiment he echoed back to her.

You are still injured Vanima, he reminded her, you should be saving some of that energy for yourself.

His prompt was an unnecessary one as she had scarcely been able to focus on anything else other than the increasingly painful throbbing in her shoulder and her thigh during their flight. Despite her efforts to remain as still as possible, she had felt her tail wound open up again some time ago and had thanked the stars it was dark enough to hide the steady trickle of blood from Nathaniel as he sat behind her.

She could feel Anthemin's unhappiness at her lack of reply but if she was honest, now that she knew they had almost reached home, it was becoming harder and harder to stay lucid. Although she was no longer as cold as she had been, what with Nathaniel behind her and Anthemin's warm body providing both shield from the wind as well as heat, a chill had still settled deep in her bones and throbbed with each pulse of her heart as though working to push the ache further throughout her body.

"Circe," Nathaniel's voice was whispering in her ear and she uttered a random sound in reply. "We are almost there," he continued, "are you still awake?" She could hear the worry that saturated his tone and she made a solid effort to rid him of his concern by raising a hand and reaching backwards to pat his cheek. She attempted to rouse herself enough to reply but the words felt sluggish as they slipped lazily from her mouth.

"It's fine. I'm fine. Where ... where are we landing?"

"Anthemin is heading back for the cave."

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