Chapter 37 | Into the Void

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Hey Guys!

Apologies for the delay on this Chapter. I was close to finishing and then NZ went into lock down and writing has been the last thing on my mind.
I am sure that many other people are currently in the same situation as me and I hope that everyone has been staying safe and looking after each other during this time.

Here is Chapter 37, I will attach a WARNING to this chapter, there is insinuation of dark themes in this particular chapter, although I have not gone into detail. I don't really feel like anything in this chapter is any more intense than what has been covered in the series so far, but thought I'd put it there just in case.

Be kind to yourselves and each other,
Love Always,
Daisy x


Chapter 37 | Into the Void


'I l o v e  her
and that's the beginning
and the end
of e v e r y t h i n g .'

- F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby



Standing at the helm on the top deck, the wind blew wild through Obsidian's hair as he surveyed the bustling activity below. Beside him, much to his displeasure, stood Zalas, the Prince's affronted expression conveying that he too, felt their proximity to each other unnecessary.

However, the Prince knew the direction in which they needed to go and although an approximate course had already been set and Obsidian was familiar with the facade of the place, having seen it from a distance with Anthemin once before, the other still felt it necessary to oversee their voyage.

Obsidian knew the reason why Zalas was unwilling to take his eyes off him.  Considering the grudge Obsidian held against Aranel, the Prince would be naive to think he wouldn't take any chance to see the woman dead, and Obsidian still wasn't completely convinced Zalas wouldn't betray them once he came face to face with his sister. Thus, the two were forced into each other's company out of sheer stubbornness.

Over the side of the ship Obsidian occasionally caught a glimpse of Unabonan swimming in the ocean below. The Dragon Prince's great white form would occasionally skim the surface of the water, his back spikes protruding into the open air for a moment before sinking back down. Anthemin was there too, somewhere. The smaller dragon had slunk into the ocean behind Unabonan when they had departed.


Obsidian looked up to see Hobbson climbing the stairs. The older man's face was serious.

"What is it?" He replied curtly.

Hobbson flicked Zalas a look, "Highness," he acknowledged tensely, before turning back to Obsidian. "We need to talk." He continued, looking at Zalas again, "It's good you're here actually, you should hear this too."

"What's it about?" Obsidian asked, although he already had a feeling.

"It's about this sighting of your 'father,'" Hobbson started, "I think there are a few options we need to consider."

"What options," Zalas interrupted before Obsidian could speak. Obsidian gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, forcing himself to swallow his annoyance.

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