Chapter 18 | Touching The Surface

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Hey Guys! 

I really enjoyed writing a Chapter from Circe's perspective this time, I hope you will like this chapter too :) I think that it helps to give more detail about Circe's feelings and why she feels that way. I don't think I've ever really meant Circe's character to be a 'vengeful' one, or for her to be capable of truly hating/despising/loathing someone, which is why I hope that this chapter will help to shine some light on the war that she is having with her emotions. 

I know everyone is keen for 'revenge' etc ;) But I guess you will all just have to wait and see who will be bearer of that revenge n.n :* (teaser, or...?) 

Love you guys heaps, 
Daisy xox



"So that's how it is huh?"

Up on the crow's nest, away from the ruckus down below, Nathaniel and I had found time to be alone. After the initial commotion all of the questions and the slight awkwardness that hung in the air had become too much. I knew that it was due to my own actions, but I wanted everything to just go back to being normal. I didn't want all of these faces staring at me with pity, even if they were faces of the people that I loved. I didn't tell them about Obsidian, I knew that he would want to tell them himself and I wouldn't have even known where to begin to find the words to make them believe me.

I could feel Hobbson's eyes staring down at me and I was incredibly conscious of his link to my Mother. Would he tell her? What would he say? The old man's face was so familiar and dear to me now. How many times had I sought his advice and his guidance? He had been there for me right from the start with answers to my questions and he had spoken no lies. I owed him an explanation. I had smiled nervously at him and he had sent me a small smile back, the kindness in his eyes telling me that we could talk later.

Nathaniel, bless him, had picked up on my feelings straight away and had insisted that he wanted me to himself for the moment, which was how we had ended up in the crow's nest, the small box isolating us from the rest of the crew, their chattering voices fading into the background as I focused on my brother.

I was sitting in-between his legs, my back against his chest and his arms were wrapped around me comfortably as he rested his chin on the top of my head. He had found me some of his clothes to wear, the light blue material of one of his long shirts soft on my skin, the hem falling to my knees and a pair of his slack sleep pants hung around my hips, rolled up several times at the ankle.

"You only just came back and now you're going to leave again?"

I squirmed uncomfortably. I had told him everything, I had poured out all of my feelings, the sadness, the anger, the secrets, what Aranel had said to me that day, what she had confessed ... what had happened after I fled the top of the mountain, the sanctuary that I had found with Alice and Arthur and their tiny little village, the rumours that I had heard about a beast that was terrorizing portside towns and the horror that I had felt when I had seen it for myself.

I told him how Anthemin had come that night and we had been chased by the black dragon, the plan that we had concocted that had ended with his unexpected appearance at our home town, although this part was news to me – a separate part from my story that Nathaniel filled in for me. And finally I told him about how, by complete chance or by the deciding hand of fate, I had found Obsidian, alive, on that beach. How Ambrose had appeared and forced the rest of the truth to appear. How Obsidian had changed and become something more than what he used to be.

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