Extras (Fan Requests) | Two

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I have to say, I love creating an original character and then having the power to make them do whatever I want after the book has finished. It really is rather enjoyable -cackles in pirate-

I hope you enjoy!
Love Daisy x


Extras (Fan Requests) | Two


Camping AU

(Requested by Emma Taylor – Facebook Fan Page)

The one where the gang go camping/ skiing, and the time period is irrelevant because it's a fanfic and I can do what I like. Also, Anthemin exists because ... dragons.


"It's cold," Lacy whined as she collapsed at the entrance of the tent she had just finished putting up, "who's lighting the fire?"

Beside her, Circe sneezed.

Obsidian and Anthemin exchanged a look, before shifting at the same time.

"I will."

It's not a problem.

"Hold on," Cobalt interrupted loudly, "I came for the original camping experience." He eyeballed his brother and the white dragon in annoyance, "that means, no cheating."

"Oh really," Obsidian said sarcastically, as he grabbed Circe and stuffed her into his jacket, doing the zip up a little aggressively, as though he was afraid she might try and escape, "so how exactly do you plan on doing it then?"

Cobalt's chest puffed substantially, "It just so happens I have been practicing for this day," he said smugly. "I, the magnificent Cobalt Bones, will now display my superior skills to you
plebians. Behold! The original fire making method – sorry Anthemin – passed down by our forefathers. Such a technique is truly engrained into every man's soul!"

(Half an hour later)

"Cobalt, this isn't working," Lacy said bluntly.

"I think your wood might be a little too damp," Circe pointed out helpfully from inside Obsidian's jacket. She huddled in further, nestling under his chin. Obsidian let out a quiet grunt of approval and gave her a light squeeze.

"Are you going to help him?" She whispered, leaning back against his shoulder so that he could hear her.

"Not a chance," he yawned, bored already.

"We found some wood!" Nathaniel chirped as he entered the clearing, "did we get the fire going yet?"

Obsidian snorted. "Not sure where you got the 'we' part from – but Mr Lone-Male-Genius here, isn't having any luck at all."

Leonardo was hot on Nate's heels. "Actually, now that I think about it, isn't that method supposed to be used with dry wood?" he offered helpfully.

"That's what I said!" Circe piped up, from inside her cosy Obsidian oven, "It's probably too damp because of all the snow."

Cobalt threw the two sticks he had been rubbing together into the air in disgust. "You all have zero faith in the complete camping experience," he said, disgruntled, "I can't believe it."

"Did you not just think to ask Anthemin?" Nathaniel wondered. "Or Obsidian?" He looked at the pirate, "You can like, breath fire right?"

"I do not breathe fire," Obsidian retorted sullenly. Circe giggled, her hair tickling his chin, "And anyway, fat chance I'm helping him now. Anthemin can do it."

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