Chapter 21 | Once I Could Breathe Again

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I had thought that I would be prepared for the moment that we touched down on the deck of the ship. Anthemin's weight rocked the vessel from side to side eliciting cries of action from the surrounding crew as everyone scrambled for balance. I took a moment for myself, my lips pressing chastely to Obsidian's bloodied cheek, before I levitated him off Anthemin and down to the wooden planks of the deck below.

It was like I had unveiled the existence of a deity. The shocked cries that escaped the surrounding mouths, the harmonised 'thud' as many knees hit the deck – they were all seeing what they had thought was gone forever. His long black hair, reaching the deck before his body did and pooling around to create a pillow on which his head then lay, the scar that cut through one of his golden eyes, both of which were currently closed, the face of the legendary Pirate King, a face which belonged to only one other.

Jacob and Samson were easily the fastest to surround their resurrected Captain. Samson dropped to his knees beside Obsidian's unconscious body, one shaking hand reaching out to touch his Captains shoulder. His fingers made contact with the other man's skin and I felt tears pool in the corners of my eyes as I watched him bring his other hand up to cover his face, his massive shoulders shaking.

Hobbson had joined the brothers and the grizzled face of my tutor was almost unreadable as he looked down at the person laid before him. These three men were among the few that had travelled with Obsidian for far longer than I had known him. They had been, and still were, the best of the best amongst his crew. They knew things about him, about his past, that I hadn't even dreamed of imagining. That realisation suddenly made me feel very small.

I looked away for a moment to find that Nathaniel had approached also, his face almost as blank as the old man's. The only difference was that he kept sneaking glances at me, his eyes full of concern. I was about to approach him when Samson spoke, his voice gritty.

"He's alive?" The hand that covered the big man's face moved, his fingers pinching together at the bridge of his nose before it fell away and he looked up to me. "What happened to him?"

"He was in better shape a couple of ours ago," My voice was surprisingly calm despite the emotional situation and I couldn't help the tinge of annoyance that entered my tone with my next words. "But he decided to challenge Zalas before coming here."

Hobbson let out a sort of strangled laugh. "Should we assume then that the Prince Zalas looks just as shitty?"

For a moment I couldn't speak and then unexpectedly I began to laugh. It was just a little chuckle to start with, but soon it exploded into full blown hilarity. I could see the shocked expressions on all of their faces and it only made me laugh harder. Wasn't it just so fucking ridiculous? That I had found him healthy, despite everything and yet here he was again on his death bed, practically dying in front of me for the second time? Wasn't it hilarious how he hadn't even waited to be alive to the world again, before he had rushed straight into another death match? And with the person who had helped kill him previously none the less! How fucking funny was that? And what had he fought for? Nothing else but his stupid, fucking, pride. It hadn't mattered to him that there were people mourning his loss. It hadn't mattered to him that there were people desperately wishing for his return. It hadn't mattered that if he had died, if he died now, then there would be nothing left of me.

Somewhere in amongst all of these internal thoughts my manic laughter had turned into hysterical, frenzied rage. I suddenly found myself on top of him, my fingers digging into his shoulders as I shook him vehemently, screaming unintelligible words into his unmoving face. My heartbeat was all I could hear in my ears as I felt hands on me, pulling me back, prying my fingers off him, restraining my arms, lifting me up until my legs kicked through the air.

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