Author's Note

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Lots of people have been asking me why APK has unanswered questions and this is my answer to that 😂 I had thought I'd made it obvious haha so now I'll just post this everywhere instead.


We finally made it.

Here we are at the end of a story that I've been writing on Wattpad since 2011 and that has lived in my head for far longer still.

It's actually rather surreal, and while the main text is complete, I don't think I will ever stop thinking and writing about these characters (I still have some fan requests to post), because I love them so much.

I would firstly like to thank all of my readers, both silent and (sometimes crazily) vocal 😂❤️
Wattpad gave me an outlet for my writing, but you readers are what made the process enjoyable. After all, stories are for sharing.

I want to thank all of you went out of your way for APK over the years, who messaged me with such lovely letters, sent fan art, created movie trailers, and took part in Facebook competitions and helped me to create characters. You didn't have to, but you did, and I'm so grateful ❤️

To the overwhelming amount of fans who have messaged me to let me know that APK helped them through a difficult time in their lives, no matter how big or small, I hope that you have found the strength to fight your own battles, just like Circe did.

And for those of your who have been with me since the very beginning, when we were both young and every Wattpad story had the same Florence somewhere in the novel, and the same unnecessary, frustrating love triangle, I just want to say thank you.

Thank you for giving APK Glory in the 2011 Watty Awards where we scooped up Best Adventure, Best Heorine, and Best Fan-made Movie Trailer. The amount of support that poured in was incredible.

Thank you for growing up with me and my characters and joining us on our journey.
I'm so pleased we finally made it to the end together.

I hope that you will all continue to read the next part of the story, which will be continued in the Crimson King (I'm uploading on Sunday's).

Let's continue our adventure together.

And if this is where you choose to disembark, and even if you never pick this novel again, I just want to say thank you for joining us on this journey.

Love Always,
Daisy and the APK Crew xo

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