Bonus Chapter 1: Study Room Blues

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Hi, guys! Lovely to hear from you! The first bonus chapter release is today and next week will be the next bonus chapter.

At the end, I will give information on what the next bonus chapter will be on, so stick around!

Please like and comment. It only takes a minute, but it means the world!

Also, I am reading your comments guys, so definitely drop down suggestions for bonus chapters and I will definitely do them! I am looking forward to seeing what you guys write!

So, without further ado.. I give you Bonus Chapter #1

S. A. A
Bonus Chapter One:

Alexis’s fathers POV

“Sit down, son.” I instructed, watching the teenager in front of me raise a dark eyebrow.

“Son? Thought I looked like a girl?” He countered, jokingly, a smirk on his face and I immediately knew the type of boy he was.

The look of mischief and humor in his eyes were enough to go by. He wanted me to give him a scouring reply; he enjoyed the challenge for authority; that much I could tell. And, that angered me to no end.

He was a gamer player and her, his pawn. I composed myself making sure to clasp my hands behind my back in a bid to restrain from punching him over my callous assumptions.

He watched me intently, a ghost of a smile on his face. Looking at him now, he didn’t look like a boy, not from what I could see. His eyes were shining with untold experience and I grimaced slightly.

He was considered a looker amongst the girls that was easy to tell. His sea-blue eyes; dark midnight hair and tall wide frame were all aspects considered attractive for females. And, in today’s world, attractive meant dangerous. I knew my daughter was beautiful, but I also knew she was too innocent looking or too plain for males like him. Exotic and globally desired- that’s what he would want. I imagined how Alexis would feel when he would eventually drop her like garbage, picking up the next girl like they were mere items for his interest. She would be heartbroken.

“Mr. Dawson?” He questioned, a curious but humored lilt to his voice. I steeled myself, calming down my raging nerves. I looked up at him again, finally, my breathing escaping in angry huffs.

“Do you find it entertaining to play around with my daughter like this or is it a full-time career with multiple clients?” I quipped calmly and I watched his eyes light up at my scathing words.

“Career? Multiple clients? If I was making a fortune like that, you can bet I wouldn’t still be in school.” He replied just as sarcastically, seating himself down into the armchair next to the coffee table, making himself at home.

I nodded, folding my arms, my stance still rigid as I stood leaning against the desk.
“Oh, so playing around with my daughter is just a hobby then, I presume?” I said in a clipped tone, the anger bubbling up to the surface. The teenager seemed to sense this and a scowl set on his face.

He eyed me with fiery blue eyes.
“Can I ‘presume’ that if I wore glasses, a sweater vest and got all A’s, you’d welcome me with open arms, without the whole interrogation then?” He said, equally as cold and I almost flinched at the cruel but true words.

His eyes watched me in a cool manner as I cleared my throat.
“Don’t blame me; blame society. Let’s be honest here, shall we? When you took a ‘liking’ to my daughter, did you see it a long-term thing or was it just a spur of the moment?” I asked, calmer now, his defensive tone had calmed me slightly. But, I was on edge still, something about the look in his eyes made me feel at unease.

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