Catch of the Day

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"So, you've stolen Aaron and Justin from me?"


"What?" I questioned because I, myself, wasn't sure I had heard right as I gaped at the blonde girl who stood before me.

She scowled in response, flipping her hair violently over her shoulder and moved closer, until she was in physical reach of me. Her eyes scanned my body up and down, in a scrutinizing manner.

"What does he see in someone like you?" She muttered to herself, but it was loud enough for me to hear and my confusion grew. I opened my mouth to ask what elicited the sudden change in her demeanour, but she cut me off with a scoff; her hands folded across her chest as she spoke.

"Those boys in there, I have history with. I've spent 18 years with one and 12 with the other two, so don't get any fancy ideas, understand?" She spat out her words harshly, waggling her index finger in my face as if I was a child being reprimanded for doing something wrong.

But, I hadn't done anything wrong. Not in the slightest. In fact, if anyone was wrong, it was the women doing the reprimanding.

Breathe, Alexis. Ignore. Just ignore.

Avalon smacked her lips together, before continuing.
"You think you've replaced me, huh? I see what you're doing. You're trying to take both of them away from me. But, it doesn't work that way, honey." Ironically, the way she said 'honey' was anything but sweet. Her words hit me like bricks. She giggled cruelly into her hand before continuing.

"Justin will forgive me. I know him. Much more than you do and I can guarantee he will. Mine and Aaron's  current arrangement is temporary. He'll forget about you. A good thing too; if I hear another word about you, I swear I'm gonna hurl." She said venomously, rolling her eyes.

I didn't say anything and she smirked, feeding off the silence. She smirked because she knew she was getting to me. She knew how weak my esteem was and how her words had sent my feeble hopes crashing down to the dark abyss.

Or so she thought

And, after a long stretch of silence, I did the only thing that came to mind.

I laughed.

And, not your regular giggle. No. A loud rumbling laughter left my lips as I held my stomach to hold it in. I could see her glancing at me strangely, a frown replacing the smirk that had been settled there before. I smiled, noticing her back away slightly. But, only slightly. My laughter came to a abrupt halt and I smirked, for now, it was my turn to talk.

I moved towards her, closing the gap that she had meekly attempted to make just seconds ago and folded my arms across my chest, in the same manner that she had done.
"Are you done?" I questioned rhetorically and before she could open her mouth to throw a smart retort, I continued on.

"Avalon, I find it funny. No, hilarious, how you feel threatened by another female presence in their life. I mean, gosh, how weak is your relationship with them?" I giggled at the end, feeling a tad bit more confident when a shocked expression fell across her face. She clearly wasn't expecting that. Well, she was probably not going to expect any of the following because I had more to say. Much more.

I mimicked the hair flip she had done at the beginning of this encounter just to bruise her ego further and continued.
"Besides, the boys aren't property. They belong neither to you or me. I mean, I can't steal something that was never yours, in the first place. And, even if they did belong to you at some point in your life, it was you who chose to hurt them. It was you, not them, that created the distance. And, you have the audacity to blame me for it?" I spoke with an accusatory tone, my voice raising slightly as I finished my rant. I had much more to say, but it wouldn't be worth it. She wouldn't be worth it.

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