Bonus Chapter 20: Blonde Nightmares

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

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So without further ado, the chapter-

"Before, when I was leaving you in that hospital, you said something..." He trailed off and I froze instantly, knowing what he was talking about. That day in the hospital when he had left.

I watched in anxiousness as he regained his voice and spoke again.
"Well, I didn't have an answer then, but now I do." He said, looking down at me. I bit my lip and turned away. I was too mortified to look into his eyes. I considered running away from him, but immediately disregarded the thought when he pulled my face up to look at him, a sad look in his eyes.

"My answer is that I-" But, he was interrupted by someone calling his name.

We both turned abruptly to the voice and I stared hard. There stood a girl. Her hair as blonde as sunshine and her eyes an emerald green. She was looking at us and she had called Aaron's name.

But, who was she?

I turned to Aaron to see if he recognised her, but was only met with wide eyes. Aaron looked as though he had seen and ghost. His face had become significantly paler and he stood frozen to the spot. I was about to ask what was wrong, but Aaron opened his mouth and spoke.

"Avalon?" Aaron's voice rung out and he moved away from me.

Aaron's POV when Avalon returns


There was a comfortable silence in the car as they drived; one that didn't match the events of the previous days: him storming out of the hospital and Lexi getting treated from her life-threatening, those were two things that Aaron had thought would probably put a strain on their communication, but it didn't seek to be the case.

It always seemed that way between the two of them from the first moment that they had met. There had been a tense moment in the cafe on the day after they had made their agreement and, yet, it had all blown over just as quick with Lexi coming to meet his mother hours after. Even then, when he had said Avalon's name and she had kissed Elliot, they had reconciled over the sadness of his mother's passing. There seemed to be no force; no circumstance that could create a distance between the two and he felt a sense of relief at that. Had it not been that way then Lexi would have left him far earlier. His debaucherous ways would have seen to that indefinitely.

And, here they were again, as though nothing has ever happened between the two; as though they couldn't see fit to drift. The very thought lingered with him as the car stopped to a halt, Lexi's house in sight by his right.

Instinctively, he moved out the car, wading to Lexi's side and opening the door. His heart all but clenched when she smiled up at him, the now-familiar expression bringing comfort to him in ways that nothing else ever could. She was, in every way, his solace: a place to call home.

"Still a gentleman, I see," She grumbled teasingly and it made him laugh, glad for the fact that she was talking normally to him. A few weeks prior, she had made it clear that he had no say in her personal affairs about getting treatment, so he was glad she hadn't shut him out completely.

"Don't go praising me too much, Lexi. I only opened it because I knew you'd probably say something if I didn't." He joked, helping her up although his internal thoughts were something different entirely. His internal thoughts reminded him of his true nature; how he had never behaved like this this, like a gentleman before. He had been described as many things: funny, energetic; even intelligent, but chivalrous wasn't amongst any of these descriptors. In fact, he'd more likely assume that he was considered the opposite of a gentleman. And, yet, this was the exact word that Lexi had used to describe him. She wasn't lying to appease him, no. Rather, he seemed to become a gentleman whenever he was in her presence and- strangely enough- it felt more like him than any other show he put on. She made him want to be a better man.

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