Bonus Chapter 7: His Icy Beauty

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

So without further ado, the chapter-

How Justin asked Savannah out.

S. A. A

She let out a relieved sigh as she placed the heavy books into the locker, allowing her arms the rest they so duly deserved. A rest that would last a while seeing as it was spring break and Savannah couldn't help but feel excitement at getting time to relax. She wouldn't dare to mention that her excitement was mainly due to a certain grey-eyed man.


She had heard of him many a time during her school years; who hadn't? Him, along with Danny and Aaron were practically god-sent with those looks; Justin in particular. Like a fallen angel, he was an untouchable, intimidating presence she would have never thought she'd encounter. He didn't seem the type to even want to make any unnecessary interactions and, so, she had never dared to cross his path. However, fate had an odd way of working and, now, he was a part of her life in ways she never thought were possible.

"Savannah." The deep voice sounded behind her and it sent shivers up her spine as she turned to gaze into the icy grey of his eyes. He stopped when he was a mere few inches away from her and she couldn't help it as she sucked in a breath, looking at his tall form.

"Justin, where have you been? You didn't turn up to Chemistry."  Her voice came out steady despite the nerves and Justin nodded, his midnight hair moving with the action.

"I'm looking for Alexis, she wasn't in her last period." He answered and Savannah's eyebrows furrowed in concern as she shut the locker door softly.

"She might be with Aaron." She reasoned in the hope that it was just that and Justin looked to be deep in thought as he spared a glance around the corridor.

"She's not; Aaron didn't come in today. Alexis seemed to be off today as well." His voice was devoid of emotion, but Savannah knew that wasn't actually the case. In the little time she had gotten to know Justin, he had surprised her with the extent of care he had towards his friends, even Alexis who he had just gotten close to. She only wished that she too would be someone he would become this concerned over.

"Maybe she's not feeling well and went home?" Savannah reasoned yet again and Justin let out a tired sigh, nodding concedingly.

"I'll go check in with her then." He said and she opened her mouth to agree, but then he turned to her, his piercing gaze shocking her.

"Are you going home now?" Was his question and she nodded, despite her dazed state.

"I've got to get home before my private tutor arrives." She answered, hands clenched by her side at his sudden question. She knew that her parents would go ballistic if she came late, but a small part of her hoped that Justin was asking so he could spend time with her. She knew, without hesitation, that she would disobey her parents if it meant being in his presence and it scared her completely. It scared her that, in such a short amount of time, he had gotten such a strong hold over her. Her hopes were dashed then, however, when he nodded at her words, making her dampen but his next words only made her tense.

"Okay, let's go, I'll drop you off." He simply said and her eyes widened instinctively as she shook her head rapidly. He only watched her intently.

"N-no you can't! I mean, my dad would kill me if he saw witb a boy!" She urged out, lurching forward and Justin raised an eyebrow at her sudden outburst, making her cheeks redden as she recoiled back. Even now, his gaze intimidated her to such a strong extent that it muddled her senses. It was a moment of silence before the corner of his lips quirked up slightly. But only slightly.

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