Wounding The Player

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Hey, guys! Thanks again for all the reads and votes I'm getting

Wow! I've finally reached 1k! You have no idea how thankful I am, guys! It really means a lot! You're awesome!

Anyways, with that tangent out the way, this is my next chapter. I hope you guys like it! 


S. A. A


"Come on! I won't look while you undress." Aaron reasoned, pulling me to look at him.

I sighed, folding my arms, feeling suddenly self conscious.
"It's not just that. I'll feel... uncomfortable."

Aaron's eyebrows furrowed at this.
"Why?" He questioned.

I shook my head, dismissing him.
"You won't understand." I said, walking away.

He walked after me.
"Understand what?"

"Nothing." I huffed, walking faster.

Aaron sighed heavily.
"Why do all girls say 'nothing'? It's obviously something." He groaned.

He walked faster, grabbing my arm.
"What is it?"

I stopped in my movements, a downcast look on my face.

"I said nothing." I murmured quietly.

"Please." Aaron spoke with a gentle tone.

I turned to face him finally at this, speaking the worries and anxieties that plagued me every day that never made me feel like I was worth anything.
"You won't understand how it is to feel ugly- how it feels when your body is just not good enough." I spoke truthfully, every word said from experience. It was a thought that ran through my head every second of every day.

Aaron looked shocked from my words. He probably wasn't expecting me to say that. He reached his hand out towards me, resting it gently on my shoulder.

"Lexi." He muttered, sending me a warm smile.

"What?" I huffed, looking at the ground.

He tutted, using his forefinger to lift my chin.
"You're so beautiful."

I stilled at his words. I didn't mean to, but the sheer sincerity from his voice shocked me and I watched as he gave me a slow and deliberate once over before removing his hand from my chin. 

"Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He said, putting his hands in his jeans.

I blushed, but immediately scolded myself for it. I couldn't help it, especially when I looked to him. He wouldn't know how it felt when his beauty was so revered. I was just considered the plain jane of the school- we were worlds apart. 

"You wouldn't understand." I repeated, my voice emotionless. I turned to walk away but Aaron grabbed me again, a smile on his face.

"I do understand." Aaron spoke, holding my arm. He was relentless to let me go.

I scoffed.
"Oh, please, Aaron! You've said it yourself- girls love your body- do you really expect me to believe that you understand how it feels to be ashamed of it?" I accused, without thought or empathy and it was only after I spoke, did I regret what Is aid. 

I felt him let go of my arm and then pure silence descended upon the woods.

A cold and deadly silence.

I half expected him to turn me around and give me it back just as bad. What I didn't expect, when I turned around, was to see him looking sadly at the ground. I didn't say anything, but just stared.

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