Bonus Chapter 9.2: Opium vs Reality

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

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So without further ado, the chapter-

My eyebrows raised at this and I leaned forward.
"And if I do touch him?" I challenged, trying not to look scared at the threatening look he was giving me.

Aaron pulled my body into his and I gasped at the intimate contact.
"Don't test me, Lexi." He forced out, looking down at the ground with his hair shielding his beautiful face.

I tilted his face up with a finger and looked into his eyes.
"Well, consider yourself already tested, Aaron." I said simply.

Aaron's eyebrow raised in confusion and he didn't talk, waiting for me to clarify. I smirked at him, feeling the hurt bubbling in me.

"Avalon." Aaron moaned into my neck

'Elliot and I have already kissed."

Aaron and Lexi's argument from Aaron's POV Part 2

S. A. A


And if I do touch him?" His heart thudded loudly as she spoke the foreign words. His haughty pretense fell away then as he reached for her, needing her touch to know she was still within his reach. She let out an all familiar gasp as his body touched against hers: a gasp that did wondrous things to his heart.

"Don't test me, Lexi." He couldn't even look at her or else she'd catch all the emotions he was feeling. He wasn't threatening her; he was pleading. If she wanted, he'd get on his knees and beg her to be all his. He'd do it without hesitation or embarrassment.

He felt the warmth of her finger as she raised his  face to look at him. The look in her eyes scared him in ways he couldn't explain.

"Well, consider yourself already tested, Aaron." Was all she said but it was enough to rip his heart in half. All he could do was wait for her to clarify and then she smirked in a way he didn't recognise.

'Elliot and I have already kissed."



It was all he could give in that very moment; the only feasible action in that moment. As soon as those words had left her mouth, his mind had gone blank.

A raging blanket that wrung out every inch of his brain.

He had heard her right, he knew that, but it didn't stop him from refusing to believe it. It didn't stop him from hoping that he had just heard her wrong; that she hadn't done this to him. Yet, one look into her firm eyes and he knew every word she spoke was the absolute truth. 6 mere words and his world had come crumbling down around him in ways he didn't anticipate would happen. It was heartbreak he felt, he knew that now, but another emotion was festering to the top, growing uncontrollably.


At first, it was miniscule: a small pit of a feeling that he had tried to shove down to the depths of his heart as they argued, but now it was different. Now, the picture of Lexi kissing another man was not only vivid, but also real. While he was thinking of his lips on hers last night, she had kissed another as though their relationship meant nothing.

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