Interrupting Lovers

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Hey, guys! It's that time of the week again! Hope you guys have been looking forward to it!

I'm going to thank you guys once again for voting, commenting and for just all the messages I get. You guys are so sweet! I love you guys so much- words cannot describe it (wow, that came off kinda creepy)...

Anyhoo, it came to mind that my book could have some well needed changes. It's been on Wattpad for a while now, so a little change here and there might be what it needs. So, that's why I thought of this:

I want you to help me think of a better name for the story. The name MFB has been nice, but I want you guys to contribute to the making of the story. Comment here or message me if you think of a good name. In a weeks time, I will pick the winner by simply putting the new name on the cover.

Also, if you guys can, I would like it if you could try making covers. I'll also choose the winner next week and reveal it in the same way as the new name. Please message me if you make a cover.

Sorry for that tangent, guys! Without further ado, I present, chapter 53.


So, I dialled his number.



I could hear the ringing, but it wasn't from the phone. It was from my head. I clenched my eyes shut tightly as the incessant pounding continued. 

I wanted to call him. I opened my eyes widely as the phone stopped ringing.

"Aaron! Help, I-"

'I'm sorry. Your call cannot be taken right now. Please wait for-'

I screamed loudly in frustration, but regretted the action soon after when it's aftermath impacted heavily on my head.

I tried to console myself with thoughts of him actually being too busy to answer rather than ignoring me, but the odds seemed unlikely. I sighed heavily, knowing that what I had done; what I had hid was undoubtedly wrong. Nevertheless, I couldn't shake the hurt that reverberated within me upon knowing that he didn't answer my call.

I panted as the short jabs of pain turned to vigorous and long aches. Sweating from pain, it was getting to much for me too handle.

I dialled his number in haste; in the hope that he'd have second thoughts on answering; that maybe he forgave me and would cuddle me in the last moments we would share together. Even during the intense pain I was feeling, I managed a pathetic scoff and thoughts of, what had happened when we last met, arose to my mind.

"Aaron, wait! I love you."

Aaron turned his head slightly to his left, so he could look at me from the corner of his eye. His face was stone hard; unlike him. He dropped his gaze to the floor and a look of focus passed over his face. He gazed up at me for a last second before slowly shaking his head and, with that, he exited the hallway.

He was gone.

He didn't feel the way I felt about him, about this, I was sure. I hummed hurriedly in a feeble attempt to distract myself from the pain as I waited for him to pick up. It was ringing, so his phone was not off.

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