Bonus Chapter 5: Away From Her

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Hi guys! As I promised, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

So without further ado, the chapter-

Aaron's POV when he found out about Lexi's illness

S. A. A

"Shall I park near the front entrance?"

Aaron raised an eyebrow in amusement at his friend's words, leaning back into the seat.

"It's just a minor cut, not a concussion, Justin. I'll be able to walk." He said with a smirk, holding the paper towel tightly to his forehead as he looked over to the driving seat where Justin was sat, sparing him only one deadpan look with his icy gaze.

"Just tell me where to park." Were the only words he spared and Aaron let out a laugh, running his free hand through his hair.

"It doesn't have to be right at the door, I can still recite my abc's without struggle." He joked yet his smirk quickly turned into a wince when his other friend spoke, his voice much louder in comparison.

"Oh yeah? Then what's 56 divided by 6, huh?!" Danny leaned forward from the backseat, glancing eagerly at Aaron to which he merely raised an eyebrow.

"Do you even know what 56 divided by 6 is?" He challenged, making Danny's face scrunch in pain- the face they knew he made when he was thinking. It was silent for a moment before Danny opened his eyes, his gaze wide as though realisation dawned on him. He turned slowly to Justin, eyebrows drawn together in what seemed to be worry.

"I think I might have a concussion." He whispered fearfully and Aaron held his laughter back as Justin gave Danny the coldest glare. Then, without warning, he lifted his hand, slapping Danny upside the head, making him wince loudly before he turned to Aaron.

"Don't encourage him." He absconded and Aaron nodded, smirking slightly.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He responded just as quick before withdrawing the paper towel and looking at the crimson that soaked it. It made him grimace as he imagined the cut it would leave.

He couldn't help but dampen as he thought of Lexi- would she like him any less if he had a scar? It was a stupid thought, even he knew that, but he couldn't help but let his mind be drawn to her every single time. Even for the silliest of things, like what watch he'd be wearing- his thoughts always drifted to the image of the doe-eyed girl; how he'd look in those very eyes.

He shook his head as they reached the front of the hospital, reaching to open the door. Thinking too hard over her would only open a door he knew he wanted to keep closed. Besides, things were going good right now. It was a bit slower than what he was accustomed to, but perhaps that was what he needed after jumping into things without thought. Lexi was a woman who deserved thought, not just pure impulse.

"You go; I'll find a place to park and be right in." Justin spoke blankly and Aaron nodded, smirking as he tapped Justin's nose teasingly.

"Thanks, J Bear." He drawled playfully, moving out swiftly before Justin could hit him and Danny smiled eagerly as Justin glared.

"See, I knew it'd catch on! Didn't I tell you?!" He urged energetically to Justin who merely scowled, turning back to Aaron who was leaning on the open window of the car, looking in.

"Tell me you're taking him in with you." He droned dryly and Aaron's lips quirked up as he withdrew from the window, shrugging heavily.

"I don't know, Justin, you might need his help to park the car properly. You'll provide him with constant guidance, won't you, Danny boy?" Aaron gestured to Danny with a nod of his head, making him let out a squeal.

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