The Measures Of Care

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Hey, guys!

I hope you guys like this chapter because I worked hard on it!

Please fan and comment because it really means a lot!

Anyways, enjoy reading!

S. A. A


"Lexi. Where are you going?" Aaron's voice rang out from behind me.

Oh shit.


"Lexi?" He called again, his voice curious.

I closed my eyes tightly, wishing the ground could swallow me whole. This was the 18th time this year I had bled due to the illness yet it always happened in the comfort of my home or at the library- the places I visited most frequently. Needless to say, no one came to check on me in either place and I was safe to cry to myself.

Yet, here I was- standing with The Golden Boy of the school who was calling my name as I bled heavily into a soggy tissue.

"Yes?" I called, not turning around. I winced when I noticed my voice was an octave higher than normal.

"Are you okay?" Aaron's voice came from behind me.

I smiled even though he couldn't see me. My eyes teared up as the burning sensation in my throat increased.
"More than okay. I'm super!" I said, scolding myself internally for sounding too ecstatic.

I heard Aaron move a step closer and sensed it as he spoke, his words tickling my neck.
"Well, you sound happy." Aaron spoke, a wariness in his tone.

I dabbed my chin harshly with the tissue, pleading for the incessant bleeding to stop. I laughed loudly.
"I guess, it's because I'm having such a good time!" I lied, trying to sneak a peek at him from the corner of my eyes. I cursed when I couldn't see him, realising how short my peripheral vision was and tried to use my other senses to detect how close Aaron was to me. There was a long silence and I contemplated turning around, but Aaron broke the silence with a click of his tongue.

"Turn around, Lexi." He spoke bluntly; his tone empty.

I cursed to myself again and thought about my options.

A) Freeze on the spot and do nothing.

Well, that obviously won't work. He could just turn you around himself.

B) Run for the hills.

That's a big no. He'll definitely manage to catch you.

I shook my head, discarding the battle between me and logic. I guess, there was only one reasonable thing I could do and, with that, I turned around slowly.

Aaron, who had been standing with a stern look on his face, stood lifelessly as he looked at my blood-ridden face. He made a move towards me, but I stepped back, holding one hand up as the other one was still holding the tissue to my nose.

"Please, Aaron." I pleaded, not even knowing what I was pleading for.

Aaron ran a hand through his hair roughly, an angry look on his face.
"Please what?! Can you tell me what's fucking going on!" He cursed, gesturing towards my face. I recoiled from how loud he was as he could be heard a little over the music and, from how loud the music was, that was pretty impressive. Aaron seemed to notice me recoil and his face softened. He looked around before grabbing me by my unoccupied hand and led me into a door at the side, locking it after we entered.

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