Justin And I?

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Hey, guys! Its that time of the week again- Tuesday!

So, literally, right now I am so tired. It's about 4:15am and I need to sleep ASAP before my eyeballs roll out of my head. (Hope that created a wonderful image in your heads).

Anyways, I'm going to open up a sort of Q&A concept from this Tuesday to next Tuesday for MFB. So, basically, what you guys do is just comment any questions you have about the book (the plot or the characters) in this chapter and, before I release my next chapter, I'll answer some of the questions. Please, ask any questions you have. I'd be delighted to answer them!

Anyhoo, you guys enjoy reading! Please vote and comment! It really means a lot!


S. A. A


"I'm taking you to Aaron."


"Justin, no! Let me go." I screamed at the top of my lungs, but to no avail. My pleas were falling upon deaf ears. Justin seemed adamant and, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't release the death grip he had on my arm. My mom had left before we came down and, so, I was left to fend for myself.

Wow. The first person on earth to put more energy into holding an arm than in generating basic facial expressions.

"Justin!" I repeated anxiously when I realised where we had just crossed- the sidewalk near Aaron's house where our last encounter had occurred.

The sidewalk where I had internally proclaimed my love for him.

I sighed. The keyword being internally. I was always a coward, that I knew. Ever since I had grasped a coherent understanding of the word 'fear', there was never a time where I had been brave or- in the least bit- altruistic. Not even at moments like this, when time was something I had little of, could I muster enough courage to at least tell Aaron how I felt.

I screamed yet again, but this didn't deter Justin from his 'god-given' mission. He power-walked into Aaron's front yard; rang the doorbell and only then did he turn to me.

"Was there something you wanted to say?" He asked sarcastically, his grey eyes boring into mine. I glared as harshly as I could at him, and tried pulling out of his grip, using all the strength I had. However, my strength wasn't enough. He looked down at me with the same 'poker face' expression, amused by my pathetic attempts. His eyes were stone-cold, but- for a fraction of a second- I caught a glint in them. Almost as if he was trying to stop himself from smiling. To stop himself from smiling at how weak I was.

I was now starting to see the resemblance between him and Aaron.

Before I could give him a mouthful on 'how I was fighting him on an empty stomach' and 'how we should pick it up again after I was fully satiated on a large plate of eggs and toast', the door flung open and- on the other side- stood the only boy who could make my heart flutter.


There he stood in all his glory- shirtless and wearing sweatpants. The look of shock on his face was clearly obvious. He wasn't expecting me to be at his door, that too with Justin. He didn't speak and I frowned. It had been a while since I heard his voice and I wanted to know if he was okay to calm the small pit forming in my heart.

Justin cleared his throat, hiding the hand that held my arm.

"Can we come in?" He asked, gesturing to the inside of Aaron's house and, although the question in itself was polite, it seemed so blunt and cold coming off Justin's tongue.

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