Bonus Chapter 13.2: Unexpected Shyness

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So without further ado, the chapter-

Avalon paid no heed to this and continued.

"You still love me and you know it!" She screeched.

Aaron dragged a hand through his hair in frustration.
"I don't love you, Avalon. How can I when I love Lexi?" He shouted.

Everything stopped for me there.

Aaron froze in his tracks, having realised what he said.

But, I couldn't concentrate on anything over the beating of my heart.

Aaron's POV when Avalon ripped the blanket: Part 2                          _____________________________________________

"You still love me and you know it!" She screeched loudly, making his ears ache. Had she always been this loud? Her accusation made his heart pulse in anger and he lurched forward without thought.

"I don't love you, Avalon. How can I when I love Lexi?" He only realised what he had said after a silence fell. 

Everything stopped for him there.

Having realised what he said, Aaron froze. He hadn't even known he had felt that way, never mind actually confessing. It was just so instinctive; it felt right for him to say. Yet, still, he couldn't placate himself now, not when Lexi was still silent. He tried to turn to look at her, but couldn't quite find the courage.

For once, Aaron was shy.

He could feel all their stares on him but couldn't find himself to look up, especially not at her. He could feel her staring at him, almost as though she was waiting for him to look up at her yet- right now- he was finding the carpet to be a more interesting sight.

Had he actually just confessed right now?

Right now, in front of everyone, he had just so callously professed his feelings in a way that he hadn't even anticipated. Of course, he knew he had held something deep for her, but he hadn't been able to pinpoint what to call it or- rather- he had been afraid to label it 'love' in the fear that it would ruin things between them? All the people he had ever said he loved had left him in some form or another; why would Lexi be the exception?

She had even tried to leave him at one point which had made him recoil further away from his true emotions.

That he was utterly and shamelessly in love with her.

He knew it was insane and sudden. Perhaps, she would refuse his admission, but he didn't care. He had never felt something so true; so fitting so much so it shook him to his core. It stained his mind like a print, moulding him until all he knew was her and that his heart belonged to her only.

A small whimper arose then and Aaron looked to see Avalon gazing at him with a shocked expression. Her manicured hand was covering her mouth and a single tear streaked down her cheek. He found that it didn't upset him like it once did. She backed away slightly from him before opening her mouth to speak.

"What did you say, Aaron? And, remember, choose your words carefully." She threatened, her voice low. A small whimper escaped her mouth at the end of her sentence as she wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. He couldn't help but find the whole situation to be farcical now. Was she really crying after having just ruined one of his most treasured possessions? His life was truly becoming a comedic sitcom and he briefly wondered why he hadn't thought that before with all the time he had invested in her.

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