Bonus Chapter 6: Their Little Secret

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

Here is context for the chapter which can also be found in the chapter titled 'The Three Musketeers'.

Justin looked down at the ground before settling his grey eyes on Aaron.
"You think I'd do that to you? Steal your girl?" Justin's voice was quiet yet his face was unreadable, as always.

The evident sadness in his tone didn't make Aaron falter. He was a man on a mission. He scoffed at Justin's words.
"Don't act so humble. I, of all people, know how 'saint-like' you are." Aaron said, putting emphasis on 'saint-like'. He tutted upon seeing the look of shock that crossed Justin's face for a split second, but it was quickly gone.

They both knew what Aaron was talking about. Justin had confided in Aaron about this information a few years back. After telling him, Aaron hadn't said anything besides a small spoken promise of never telling anyone else. They hadn't brought it back up since that day.

Well, that was, until now.

So without further ado, the chapter-

The secret that Justin shared with Aaron

S. A. A


1 year 3 months before meeting Alexis

"What time do you think you'll be back?"

Justin spared a glance to the clock that read 9.30pm before turning back to look at his father washing the dishes.

"It's Aaron's party; I'll be sleeping over." Was all he said and it was all his father needed to hear as he smiled, glancing over his shoulder.

"Tell him I said hi." He replied jovially and Justin only nodded as he stepped out the house, glancing to the sky.

The sun had long since set and the sky was a pale blue, devoid of stars. A soft summer breeze danced along, blowing slightly at his midnight hair, making him frown slightly. But only slightly.

He pulled his hood up at this, placing his headphones in as he walked the small journey to Aaron's house. It was the infamous, end of summer party that Aaron always held- a tradition that all Redwood High students would anticipate yet Justin felt the opposite. Yes, he attended, but merely for the sake of his friends. He despised the idea of being around people he didn't understand- their motives, their hidden faces, he knew nothing of it and he hated it with every fibre of his being.

How could he then immerse himself in their company if he did not approve of their character? He was not a fan of playing pretend nor was he keen on putting on a face. Wouldn't life be much easier if everyone would talk and act upon their true intentions? Only then, would he be able to be less cautious.

His thoughts left him then as the loud droll of music thumped nearby and he looked up with icy eyes at the familiar house. There were people stood, chatting in an animated manner across the large front yard and he ignored their presence as he walked past. At points, he would see someone coming his way, but they would quickly be dissauded by the silver glint of his hard gaze.

"Did you ride a turtle to get here?!" The familiar voice spoke and Justin glanced up dryly to meet the vivid blue of Aaron's eyes.

"It's been 9 minutes." Justin answered, making Aaron smirk as he placed an arm around Justin's shoulder, bringing him in through the large hallway.

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