The Sea, The Sand and The Birds

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Hey, guys! It's that time of the week again!

I don't have much to say this time, surprisingly. I guess, I can just thank you guys for voting and commenting because it means a lot! I've been #1 up and down this week. It's been like and rollercoaster! Thanks guys for making it possible for me to even get in the top ten.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Have fun reading! Love you, guys!


Darkness- that's all there was. It enveloped everything in sight and nothing was left to the light. It had all been taken by cruel but honest hands.

Quiet- not a sound could be heard except the small echoes of a sweet melodic farewell song, although it- in its best- was muffled. The sound continued, putting everything to rest. It was the song of a permanent sleep.

Distant- the feel of being at one place yet actually being at another. That's how it felt. Oh, to dream of a place so heavenly and so divine but knowing their present location is a place of sin and impurity. No matter. The dream place is not too far. It is actually very close.

Numb- at first, there was pain; a lot of it, but it was gone now. Everything was numb and nothing could be felt. No more pain, only happiness. Eternal happiness.

Happiness in dying.

It was peaceful to die. The problems of the world long-forgotten and the promise of a new better world- far away from here. It was not just a moment ago that I was suffering in life yet nothing of it could be remembered- no face, no name.

In fact, what was I? What had I been and what did I look like? Nothing came to mind, but it didn't matter. I was at peace.

Visions of a blue sea came to mind, a raging blue sea as it crashed into the white sand. It looked a tranquil location. Black ravens hovered over the water, their wings fluttering quietly. I smiled at the beauty. It was foreign yet seemed so familiar.

The water seemed endless and I found myself getting lost as it raged on. The sand glimmering white as the sun hit it and I felt the need to caress it and let it run through my fingers. The ravens as black as night made a few 'cawing' noises and I felt the urge to hold them within my grasp and stroke their black feathers, but what was this strange urge? The vision played over and over again and then it came to me.

Aaron- the raging sea, the glimmering white sand; the ravens as black as night- they were him.

Suddenly, there was not complete darkness. A few rays of light pierced through the air, making me moan in displeasure at the sudden change.

Then, the sweet lull full song disappeared, almost instantly and a bland hum filled my ears- one that was achingly familiar.

The feeling of distance was gone as soon as it had come. The dream place was now just a memory. It wasn't close anymore.It was moving away, I could see it,but nothing could be done about it. I was left with sin and impurity.

Then the pain was back, but only slightly and the feeling of numbness wore off. I could feel it all and it took away the eternal happiness.

Everything came flooding back in an instant then. Danny,Justin... Aaron. Everything came racing back- all the names and all the faces; all at once. It was too much to bear and I tried to scream, but nothing came out. I tried moving, but I couldn't. I was helpless.
Then, Aaron's face came to mind. His beauty, his smile, his laugh and it was all enough for me to open my eyes.

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