Blogs and Brawls

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Aaron and I laughed at this as I made a move to get off his lap. I skipped towards the door, scoffing when Danny began to skip as well. Not being careful enough, I banged my hand on the side of the door, a loud whimper leaving my lips.

Aaron moved in to inspect, but Justin quickly took ahold of my hand, concern evident in his eyes as he examined it. I winced in pain when he touched the red area, near my knuckles. Justin tutted at this.
"Can you try being a bit more careful?" He asked. The question was rhetorical but i answered, nevertheless.

"I'm sorry, Justin. But, it's fine. It's just a bruise." I murmured to which Justin's dead grey eyes settled on me. His voice harsh as he spoke.

"No, it's not just a bruise, Alexis. It kills me when you're in pain." He said, blowing softly on my hand.

And, Danny could have broken his neck from how fast it whipped to look at Aaron.


I cleared my throat for, about, the third time. The sudden silence in the room loomed in like a thirsty predator and all we could do was hope that someone would break it. But, such a thing never happened.

Justin, however, seemed oblivious to all this, a sight that was both rare and strange to see. With his hand still gripping mine, he continued with his previous action of inspecting my hand. Concern filled his eyes and I smiled at how caring he was.

Correction, I would have smiled, had it not been for the words he had tacked on with his endearing actions.

So, I stood and stared at him in silence, my mouth slightly agape, hoping that someone would save me the awkwardness from asking him to clarify.

Thankfully, Danny and his mouth were present in the room. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion as he glanced over between Justin and Aaron. He scratched the back of his head awkwardly before speaking, a tentative tone to his voice.

"Er, dude? Do you have something you wanna share with the rest of us?" Danny spoke hesitantly, motioning towards Aaron and I, at the end of the sentence.

At this, Justin's gaze- that was so benevolently fixated on my hand- turned to Danny. He raised a dark eyebrow at Danny's words, before slowly shaking his head.
"No, why?" He said bluntly, looking towards as Aaron as well to see if he understood what Danny's dim rant was about this time.

Except, this time, it wasn't a dim rant, a fact known to us all with the exception of the grey-eyed boy who was stood before me.

This was not to say that I thought that Justin was, in the slightest, attracted to me. No, that wasn't it.

But, I knew how the other boys could be. Danny and Aaron shared very similar characteristics: that is, both lost their temper very quickly and would easily jump to conclusions. To add to this, they were both crazy loyal to their friends. Given these attributes, I knew that they would question Justin's actions.

So, if Justin could just clarify what he meant and, simultaneously, deny their supposed allegations then everything would be fine.

I turned to look at Aaron, only to find that his gaze was directed towards the floor. There was no expression on his face, so I couldn't tell what he was feeling right now. Was he angry? Upset? I didn't know.

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