A Double Agent and A Puppet Master

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Hello, my wonderful humans I hope you all had a good Christmas/Hanukkah!

This is chapter 5 of the Norman x reader

I hope you all like this chapter's Fanart. I absolutely love and I'm so tempted to make it my background or profile picture.

Anyway, this chapter is gonna be a little long and boring since this chapter consists mostly of Rays and Norman's conversation you won't really be mentioned in the conversation until towards the end so I an put a mark to where you can skip to (It's the bolded text) the first bold is where you get mentioned and the second one is where you actually become important to the conversation because it's important to the plot of this fanfic if you don't want to hear Norman and Ray talk a bunch just skip to the bolded. After the second bold, I suggest you read normally because that's when everything goes back to normal

Anyway, like always feel free to leave any suggestions about the story and what you want to see in it.

As also please ignore the typos and mistakes.

And as always please Enjoy!

Written: December 29th 2020


(Y/N)=Your name

(H/s)= Your hair style


The sound of the clock ticking back and forth rang through both boys' heads as they stared each other down. Smirking Ray was the first to make a move.

"Are you serious Norman? Cut it out."

"Ray, you've realized, right? I set a trap for 3 people. I told Don the rope was under my bed and Gilda was told that it was in the second-floor bathroom ceiling. At least that is what I told you, Ray. But I actually told Don it was in the dining hall and I told Gilda it was in the library." Norman explained as Ray frowned. "The rope behind my bed ended up being gone. So what about the other 2 spots? Should we go over and check them out?" Norman questioned. The room was quiet. Ray let out a hmph as he lay down on Norman's bed he put an arm over his eyes as smirked before bursting out laughing.

"Aw, man, and here I thought I was doing so well." Ray said looking at Norman before sitting up and crossing his legs.

"I'm the one whos been spying for Mom. So what gave it away?"

"I got suspicious of you when Sister first came to the house. I was disgusted with myself. I suspected you instantly. My own friend. It was really the worst-case scenario. I wish that I could have been wrong about it. Because you being the traitor would be quite problematic for us but for the enemy picking you would have been the most obvious choice. You would be able to provide input to our plans which would be perfect for keeping control of the situation. You were the best one for the job."

"Can't get anything past you. How embarrassing I walked right into your little trap." Ray said

(Where you get mentioned)

So he doesn't know about me and (Y/N) yet huh? He's blinded by his crush on her. He can't even see the fact that we've been playing this game in a completely different way. While I've been playing the role of the double agent. (Y/N)'s been playing as the marionette. He doesn't know that without (Y/N)s doing he and Emma never would have known.

"There's one more thing. You see I have a feeling this isn't the first time you've done this. If one of us suddenly started giving mom tips. I doubt she'd be so trusting. Just how long have you been mom's spy?" Norman asked.

||Belladonna|| TPN (Norman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now