A cliff

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Hello hello, my lovelies!

This is chapter 9 of the Norman x reader

This chapter is kinda long than normal so I hope you all like it just so you know Alexander is an OC of mine.

Anyway, like always feel free to leave any suggestions about the story and what you want to see in it.

Please ignore the typos and mistakes.

And as always please Enjoy!

Written: March 21th, 2021


(y/n)=Your name




"Norman's getting shipped out?" Ray asked shocked

"Yes. It's been decided that it'll be tomorrow." Isabella said. Ray and Emma looked down at you. You were clutching your broken leg in pain, your entire body was shaking. They couldn't see your face but could tell you were doing something to muffle your cries of pain.

"S-so what happened to (y/n)'s leg?" Emma asked, holding her hands to her chest. Emma wanted to run over to you and make sure you were ok. You 2 were like her sister regardless of blood. You and Emma cared about each other and seeing you in pain like that hurt her too. If she had seen mom sooner she would have been able to run and warn you and Norman. None of this would have happened. You wouldn't be in pain and with a broken leg if she had just managed to warn you guys.

"It was a clean break so don't worry," Isabella said lifting you off the ground. "I promise it will heal back without a scar. Though it will take a few months to do so," she said turning to Ray. "I do hope it will heal before your birthday, Ray." Ray Gritted his teeth and glared at the older woman.

"Norman gives me that bag later," she said turning to the petrified white-haired boy. "Now let's go home." Isabella turned on her heel and walked through the small group of horrified kids.

"What are we gonna do?" Don asked, holding his face in his hand. "Norman is getting shipped out. She took the rope and now (y/n)s leg is broken." Don listed.

"(Y/n)'s leg will heal up in no time and the rope can be replaced! The escape can happen, it has to! But Norman's our focus for now."

"Out of all of us, why is Norman getting shipped?" Gilda asked.

Why Norman? That question bounced around in her head as she pulled her legs closer to her chest as she sat on the well.

"It's the size of our brains," you say walking in.

"(y-y/n)?" you hear Emma and Norman gasp.

"Think about it, everyone who was shipped out before Conny all had trouble with the tests. As a little kid I remember reading how your brain grows bigger when you learn something new. And have you guys ever wondered why the test changes every month they're trying to increase our brain size. And remember what they said last night? 'These 4 with full marks are to be prepared for plucking.' it would only make sense that they are referring to our scores. And the age also checks out that theory. Your brain finishes growing at the age of 5 which is one year after we start testing. It stops growing at the age of 6 then your brain will start to develop however it only stops developing around the age of 25, but they don't want to risk us figuring it out before they can ship us out, and around the age of 12-13 we start to go challenge authority and became significantly more defiant and they don't want to deal with that so it's best to ship us out before that happens. The environment and emotions also play a factor too. Constantly going outside? More oxygen helps brain growth. Emotions? Influencing our cognitive function. That means that the brain must be of value. Maybe taste. They are having us live our life in a way that benefits them the most. Where cattle to them." you said. The two of them stared at you wide-eyed.

||Belladonna|| TPN (Norman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now