And this is why I'm not an outdoorsy person

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Hello hello, my lovelies! My Mom asked me to clean my room yesterday so I wrote this instead cause when I'm told to do something I immediately don't want to do it. (Sorry Mom) 

Moving on! This is the first chapter of season 2 of the TPN fanfic. As of currently, I'm doing a creative writing camp so hopefully, my writing can improve while I also get more chapters out for this and my other fanfics while also working more on one of the stories I've been in the process of making/writing. It is a fantasy story with lots of magic, adventure, fighting, and some angst so if you are interested in it I can post a small snippet of the first chapter.

Anyway please enjoy the story.

Written: July 26th, 2021


(y/n)=Your name


You and the rest of your family wandered through the forest. The average-sized trees you had always seen now grew enormously in size.

This is completely different from the forest we were in just minutes ago. Amazing so this is the outside world. You thought looking up at the enormous trees above you.

"They're huge..." Don said from next to you.

"Tell me about it," you mumbled in response. You rubbed your arms uncomfortably.

"You alright?" Don asked you concerned.

"Hmm? Ya, I think so," you answer. Gilda who was on the other side of you looked at you skeptically.

"You think so?" she questioned. You looked around before motioning the 2 to lean closer to you.

"Do you guys also have that weird feeling of being watched?" you asked. The 2 younger kids looked at each other before looking at you.

"No?" Don said as Guilda shook her head.

"Never mind, I'm just being paranoid," you said waving it off and continued to walk. You see a white mass move out of the corner of your eye. Quickly you turn to look only to see... more forest.

"(y/n)?" Emma called your name. "something wrong?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing," you answer.

You all continued to run through the forest, you and the older kids having to help the younger ones maneuver through the forest. You turned behind you as you watched the rest of the kids slow down.

"Our pace is starting to drop Emma," you tell the girl. The redhead looked behind you at the kids.

"You're right," she said. "Ok everyone, time to rest, let's eat breakfast here!" Emma called to the kids, earning a cheer from the little ones.

"Don't eat too much at once! We want to make sure our food lasts as long as possible." Gilda said. You stepped away from the group as you went to take a look around.

"Emma, aren't you gonna eat with us?" one of the kids asked Emma, who was closer to the group.

"No. I'll stand here and keep watch," Emma answered. "(y/n) what about you?" she asked

"I'll pass," you yell from over your shoulder as you climb onto a large root. You continued to look around only to let out a scream and jumped when something grabbed your arm. You turned around and swung your arm, your momentum and unstable footing carrying you to the ground causing you to tumble off of the root you were standing on.

"OW!" Ray yelled as your hand came in contact with the boy's face before you fell to the ground.

"RAY DON'T SNEAK UP ON ME LIKE THAT!" you yelled as you sat up from the forest floor.

||Belladonna|| TPN (Norman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now