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So I just opened up Wattpad in the middle of my math class to see fucking 1k reads! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT ON THIS STORY I LOVE YOU ALL SO FLIPPING MUCH YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! Since my school has a February break (for some reason I ain't complaining tho) I'm gonna try and get the next chapter out to you all. Just a quick warning it's probably gonna be shot cause I'm only writing from yours Emma's Ray's or Normans pov.

It's has also come to my attention that the anime and Manga are gonna differ from each other. Meaning the manga has ended but season 2 of the anime is gonna be different so they can make room for more content in the anime. So let me know if you would want to see me write season 2 going off the anime or the manga. I'm most likely gonna go off of the manga. Let me know your thoughts and have a wonderful day/night my lovelys!

||Belladonna|| TPN (Norman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now