We're finally free (The end of season 1)

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Hello hello, my lovelies! Since I had a few free blocks this week and it's now spring break where I live I was able to get the last chapter/episode out in season 1! Just so you guys know since this story is kinda in Beta writing for lack of better terms I've been thinking about maybe changing the title and cover but we'll see. Also, this story might go on Hiatus for a little while so I can 1.) figure out how the hell I'm gonna be writing season 2 and 2.) finish reading the manga. The only real problems/conflict between the manga and the anime come in around mid-way through the 3rd episode so I might be able to write in episodes 1 and 2 from season 2 so we shall see.

The title I was thinking about is: Belladonna (the inspiration comes from the song Belladonna by Ava Max feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments about the new title and whether or not I should change it caus I'm kinda on the fence)

the photo above is some fan art I drew last weak. I attempted to draw the promised neverland flower I think it's called the Vida? That's what google told me. It's right now just a sketch of it. If you're kinda confused about the random droplets on the flower it's supposed to be blood it's kinda hard to explain. if you want me to explain it I will but boy is it probably confusing.

Anyway please enjoy the story

Written: April 17th, 2021


(y/n)=Your name
(m/n)=Mother's name


"Where are the kids 4 and under?" Ray asked Emma once he got to the top of the wall.

"(y/n) and I thought it was best to leave them here," Emma answered as she held on to the rope tightly.


"We got everyone down to 5 and up on our side," Don said.

"They were pretty surprised, but I think everything will be ok," Guilda adds.

"We already started training them too." Doon finishes.

"Thanks, you guys," Emma says from next to you.

"So what should we do next?" Don asked. "Should we tell the kids under 5?"

"But do they think they will believe us?" Emma asked.

"It's more like can they keep it a secret," you say.

"It's not just that either. Is it really possible that we can take them? Don't get me wrong it's not like I don't believe in Norman's plan however we are dealing with a cliff in winter and Norman's not here to help. Once we actually escape we won't be able to predict what's out there." Guild says. "I'm starting to see Ray's point even though it may be a little late to feel that way."

"So what your saying is that..." Don starts

"If we take them along they could be killed," Gilda says.

"Gilda if they stay here they're gonna get shipped out!" Don says.

"I know but that but..." Gilda says.

"No," you say. Everyone turned to look at you. "No Gilda's right. We're dealing with a cliff, winter, and little kids. Our situation is unpredictable. I can't bring myself to leave them behind but your right Gilda. It's either they could die here via being shipped or they could die out there. I want to take everyone but that might not be possible."

"Ya... but..." Guilda starts.

"What's wrong?" Don asked.

"What about the kids in the other plants? Is it ok if we are the only ones that escape? We've never seen them before but there is a family next door who's just like us living life as if everything is normal." she said. The room went dead quiet. "Huh sorry! I didn't mean for it to sound like that."

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