A Conversation and a Camera

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Hello, my lovelies!

This is chapter 7 of the Norman x reader

Just a quick warning the updates will be coming out at a slower pace than I would like due to things like school and projects, but I will still try and get as much out as I can.

Anyway, like always feel free to leave any suggestions about the story and what you want to see in it.

As also please ignore the typos and mistakes.

And as always please Enjoy!

Written: February 7th, 2021


(y/n)=Your name


Sister Krone straightens up as you blink trying to regain your composure.

"Excuse me." you say to the woman. You gave Norman an 'is she serious' look

"Join Forces?" Gilda asks from behind you.

"It's fine you guys no need to worry." Norman said placing a hand on your shoulder and moving to stand next to you. "We'll hear you out." Sister Krone smiles.

"Excellent! It's best we cooperate so we can each achieve our goals. You all want to break out of here and I want to eventually become Mom of this house. I want to drag Isabella down from Her position and seize it for myself." Sister says

"You want to be a mom?" Don asks.

"To prove that I mean it you kids aren't the only ones who want to break free from this." Sister Krone said as she unbuttoned the first few buttons on her dress. You all gasped as she revealed seres of numbers tattoed across her neck just like you guys. Subconshily you touch the all too familiar numbers on your neck. She smiled at you 4 as you frowned in return.

So that means Sister Krone... Mom... there just like us.

"Are you aware of the management system here?" she asked you all frowned in confusion. Taking it as her cue to continue Sister Krone explained.

"Girls who fulfill certain conditions and live until 12-years old are usually presented with 2 different paths when they're about to be shipped out. Continue and die or aim to become a Mom." your gazes all followed her as she walked around you 5.

"What conditions?" you ask

"High test scores and the Mom's recommendation. Meet those 2 requirements and you can survive without escaping. If you're a girl" Sister explained stopping in front of the 5 of you again as she fiddled with the buttons on her dress.

"Only girls?" Gilda questioned.

"Although I don't recommend it. They make it so you're never allowed to leave the premises." Sister Krone answered looking down at you Emma and Gilda completely ignoring Don and Norman. You watch as Sister Krone turns to stand in front of you 5. You hear Don Emma and Gilda gasp as Norman frowns and you grit your teeth at the sight. A large jagged scar was placed in the center of Sister Krones chest right above her sternum. The scare went right down her chest with several smaller marks traveling outwards.

"What... Is that?" Emma asked from behind you, her eyes never leaving the scar.

"There's a chip inside. And with it, if you step one foot outside the farm an electric current triggers causing your heart to stop. But at the same time if your heart stops for another reason which acts as a transmitter that notifies the higher-ups." Sister explained.

||Belladonna|| TPN (Norman x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum