(32) - Result Are Revealed

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I couldn't believe how much work I had to get done. It's like being a high schooler how pushing out days and scrambling at the last minute. I just truly and sincerely hate my job. My office desk was a mess, papers, and files everywhere.

"It was selfish of Luna to put Amara in a rehabilitation center, though," Emma commented as she shoved a donut into her mouth.

"If a person is crazy, they should be put in rehabilitation. My parents themselves own a rehabilitation. You should see the people that come there, totally nuts and addicted." I explained while arranging the papers into a file neatly.

"Anyways, James is good with Luna now. In fact, better than ever. As they say, you can't separate a mom from a son."

"Amara said that she going to take Josh to Switzerland after the court trial." Emma sighed.

"So, confident that she will win?" I scoffed and slammed my laptop and turned to Emma for full attention.

"I don't know. But she is rich now since she is with Natasha Clairemont. Clairemont like seriously! Luna and Natasha had a great relationship and I never thought Natasha would be such back-stabbing bitch."

"Hmph, you know wha-"

Our conversation was broken by the ringing of the telephone.

Omg, this noise.

"Yes, Emily Davidson here?" I answered.

"I'm Luna. I need you in my office in 5 minutes." my face scrunched with confusion.


Either way, I answered with a yes ma'am, and ended the call.

"Luna wants to meet me it seems." I groaned as I stood up from my chair and straightened my navy blue formal dress.

"Ohh." Emma made a weird noise as she knew something.

"You know why?" I asked her as I picked my phone.

"Of course not," she said in a duh tone.

This woman! I rolled my eyes and pretended to steal her donuts to which in turn earned me a smack on my back.

I then walked into Luna's office which was on the far corner as she didn't work in this branch but still, she had an extravagance office.

"Morning, Luna." I greeted as I walked toward the lady who was now smiling at me. She motioned to a peach leather chair opposite to large peach-er desk.

"Emily, I know it's hard for you-"

I cut her off, "No, I'm good, in fact, better." I snapped.

"There is no fault on James's side. Even he didn't know that he had a son! It was me, who did it all."

"No, no. Miss McQueen, you don't have to justify nor do James. Some people are just like clouds, once they go.. away it's a beautiful day." I deadpanned.

"Ahem," Luna clears her throat. "Okay, let's get into the real talk then. I'll not beat around the bush. You might know, or well, If you don't know Amara is taking Josh to Switzerland."

"Yeah, I heard. But Only if she wins the trial." I point out.

"I don't think, we will win the trail. Josh is just 3 years old, which will bring her an advantage for being a mother. Plus, James doesn't have a clear past and we are damn expecting them to submit evidence against me." she explains.

"So, I now think, Amara deserves to be with her son. No one can affect a mother-son relationship." I snapped.

"But there is a different story here, Amara is a clear psychopath. She doesn't care about her son... Just money and revenge."

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