(30) - Awake

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"Morning morning." I'm woken up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

"Mmmm" I reacted, stretching my arms above my head as my eyes fluttered open but immediately blinded by the morning streaks.

It took a few seconds to adjust to it to see a grinning Caleb with a cup of coffee in his hands.

Fuck! The kiss! Why the fuck did I do that? Why did he kiss me?

Thank God that Caleb was a gentleman. He let me sleep on the bed whilst he slept on the shaggy couch in the room.

"Morning." I smiled before taking the coffee from him. I need to talk to him but after the coffee, because I'm going insane now.

"Doc said he is discharging you after a final few check-ups," Caleb said as he perched himself on the bed.

"Hmm." I hummed taking in the caffeine. God!

"Are you hungry?" he asked and I hummed again. "Red came to visit but you were sleeping so.." he said. "She said that you need to get back to work. You have been sagging a lot."


"Are you gonna talk?"

"Hmm - yeah," I replied flustered by his sudden question.
"I'm trying to be okay but I'm okay though like I don't think it's awkward or anything but- I'm fucked up, Caleb." I spilled it.

"You are talking about this kiss, yes. It was wrong. I was wrong." Caleb starts rumbling. "I shouldn't have done it. It was at that moment... I- I knew you were weak and damaged just after your break up an-"

"Wait, you know?" I gasped.

"If you are talking about you falling for your rich boss who is a dick like any other cliche stories, then yes. I know. Mel told me."

"Oh!" I process it. "Like you know everything?" I cocked my brow at him and he shrugged.

"No. She didn't open too much, except the dude fucked up," he said. His face was lit up in curiosity and I gave in,

"Well, now where do we begin?" I snorted sarcastically before sipping my coffee.

"Anywhere you like." he pressed and I rolled my eyes, "So, my favorite part is- his ex-girlfriend being the exact xerox of me and oh there is the part where he told me that his son was his brother.. Hmm... Let see what's else?" I gritted out while Caleb Jaws were almost grazing the floor.

"Okay, fine. Complicated!" he raises his hands in surrender. "Oh! By the way, Mel dropped your books here in case you are bored." he hands me my sketchbook with my stationaries.

NO, I don't do dear diary or sticking up memories. Nah! If you don't remember I'm a fashion designer who has no experience except for a useless piece of paper called a degree.

I love fashion and I draw and create them in this sketchbook- slash-fashion design portfolio.

"I went through a few of your works. They are amazing! You should try to work it out. We can put up a shop if you want... What's it called the - bisque - bofae?"

"Boutique." I corrected him with a chuckle, flipping through pages with a feeling of pride and satisfaction.

"Whatever is it, we can do that!" he nudged me and shook my head no.

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