Chapter 56

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Chapter 56- Ella's POV

It was Sunday when they finally let me leave the hospital. I was issued an order not to leave the house for a week, as it would impact my health if I were to strain too much, and I was given antibiotics for my back and leg pain. The rule about Edward not speaking to me still stood, but it wasn't like we were going to abide by it. It would be just another one of the times we broke the law.

Edward was going to start his new job on Monday, the next day, so before he left, he came over to my house, where he was spending most of his time these days anyway. My mother and brother were fine with it, so nobody cared what the police really thought about it. There was still a lot to talk about, especially since I needed to let Edward know what John had informed me.

John was still in hospital. He'd surprisingly been hurt more than I had been in the accident. Before I had left the hospital, I passed by his room and peeped in. He was sleeping. Good, I thought. It saved me from having to talk to him. But I knew I would have to do it sometime. Edward too. Especially Edward.

"You'll do fine," I told him as we got to the front door. Mum had already left for work, and Malcolm was about to leave. "Your new students will love you."

Edward chuckled. "Hopefully not as much as you do," he said. I playfully hit his arm at his comment, then leaned up to kiss him. I could never get enough of him.

"Good luck," I mumbled. "You're going to be great."

"Thank you," he said, pulling a strand of my hair behind my ear gently. "I finish off at 2pm, and I'll come over here immediately, okay? I hate the thought of you being here alone."

I shrugged it off. "I'll be fine. It's not like I can go out. I'm injured," I said with a laugh.

"You're exaggerating now," Edward answered, and pulled me into a soft embrace. He planted a kiss on my lips, and, noticing my brother, stepped back. "Right, I'm off. See you after two." He eyed Malcolm warily, and then mouthed to me, "I love you."

I laughed and opened the door, glimpsing at my brother who wasn't looking too amused. "Good day, both of you," I said.

Malcolm eyed me suspiciously before he stepped out the front door after Edward. "You too. Call me from the house phone if you need anything." His gaze turned to Edward. "See ya later." He walked off quickly. Edward gave me one last glance, blew me a kiss and started walking over to the other side where his car was. I smiled and closed the door. I skipped over to the sofa and sat down, turning the tv on.

After around an hour, the doorbell rang and I groaned. I wanted to just ignore whoever was standing outside the door and keep on watching tv, but I couldn't. I wasn't like other daughters, who, when their parents weren't home, did not answer the telephone or the door. Nope, I was the opposite, just in case someone wanted to deliver an important message. I stood up uncomfortably, turned the television off and walked slowly towards the front door.

I looked through the peep-hole, but there was no one outside. Frowning, I opened the door. There was no one waiting in the middle, just as I'd seen from the peep-hole, but at the side was someone with his back to me. He turned when he heard the door open, and I wanted to groan again, but it would have been rude to. PC Michigan was there, wearing the smirk that never seemed to leave his face. He was dressed in his dark blue uniform, and was holding a police officer hat in his hand.

Ugh, I should have been like other daughters who did not open the door when their parents were not home.

"'Morning, Miss Campbell," he said in his deep voice. "I told you I'd be back." He raised an eyebrow, and reached for his pocket, from which a blue notebook and a pen emerged.

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