Chapter 60

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Chapter 60- Edward's POV

The drive back to Ella’s house was serene. The fact that I knew that we had finally managed to let go of all the trouble we had been through ever since Ella and I met helped me to feel better, and feel lucky that I had found people who cared about me and were willing to help me out. Although everything was supposedly okay, I asked Malcolm to speed up a little bit on the road. I couldn’t wait to see Ella. She’d called from their landline, saying that everything was okay and that the plan had worked. Michigan had left and he'd gotten the message, and probably would not pester us again.

I heaved a sigh of relief as I glanced at the photos I had in my hand. I hadn’t really destroyed everything- I had kept a few things, such as photos of Ella and I. I couldn’t destroy those... they meant too much to me to let go of just like that. We turned into the road where Ella’s family’s house was and Malcolm parked in front of it. I muttered a quick thank you before I exited the car. 

I did not wait for Malcolm to open the door for me, but rang the bell. Ella opened immediately. My face broke into a huge grin and I hugged her tightly. "Hey, you," I said, after I released her from my grasp. 

She smiled back. "Hey," she said. 

I heard footsteps behind me and I turned to see Malcolm and Nathan walking up. Yeah, Nathan had decided to join in too, he said he wanted to celebrate, and to talk to Ella. I didn't complain- there wasn't much that could ruin my good mood right now. I walked into the house after Ella. 

"So how was it exactly?" I asked. "Oh wait, I can see it all on the camera." I laughed at my own joke as I connected my hands with Ella's. This was too good to be true. 

"It wasn't bad. I mean, he took it really badly when he realized, but that's all," Ella shrugged, making her way to the kitchen. I followed her inside. 

"How did he realize?" I asked, surprised. 

"He saw your text message to me," Ella said, but then she shrugged. "But anyway the important thing is that he left. After breaking Malcolm's phone." 

As she uttered the last sentence, Malcolm entered the room. He looked up in horror. "What did you say? Where's my phone?" He had given her his phone because hers was still at John's cottage. I remembered that I had picked it up, and retrieved it from my pocket, setting it on the table. 

Ella looked away uncomfortably. "Sorry, Malcolm, he broke it," she mumbled. "I'll replace it for you." 

Malcolm blinked but didn't speak. I put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Malcolm. I'll buy another one for you. It's the least I could do," I said, even though the thought of replacing an iPhone made me dizzy. I got less income at my new job. 

Malcolm nodded and put the kettle on the stove to boil. I sighed out of relief and started to sit down, when the doorbell rang. I walked to the door to see who it was. Even though it wasn't my house, it was almost like it was with the amount of time I was spending in it. I opened the door, and to my surprise, John was standing behind it. My face automatically set into a glare. I thought I'd gotten rid of him. What did he want? 

I raised an eyebrow instead of asking him that question. He shifted uncomfortably and spoke. 

"I came to give you these." He raised a box that I had failed to notice in his hand before. "They belong to you by right. They were at my house, that's why you didn't find them at the cottage." 

I looked at him surprised, then extended my hand to get the box. I looked inside. There were pictures, sheets of paper and CDs inside. "What's in these?" I asked. 

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