Chapter 46

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Chapter 46- Edward's POV

"Ella, what's wrong?" I asked. 

I heard her sigh. "Nothing. I'm okay, really. Can you come over when you're finished with school?"

I nodded, then foolishly realised that she couldn't see me. Our conversations were so real, it was almost like we were speaking face to face. Although honestly, I really wished she was in front of me right now. I wanted to see her face, her expression. Her voice was scared and confused and I wanted to know what was wrong. But I was stuck at school, I had lessons until mid-afternoon.

"Of course I'll come over. As soon as I get home, I'll come there. I've got to go now, students are waiting outside for their lesson. I'll talk to you later, okay? I love you," I said.

"I love you too," she answered, without even knowing that her three little words had made my heart flutter. I hung up and instructed the students to enter. I really was not in the mood to teach and look at amateur paintings right now, but nothing could be done. I would be transferred out of this school within a matter of weeks now, if not less.

I took a deep breath and hung up. I was drained out of energy and it was only 10am. Today had been very stressful, and having to face a class full of students in a couple of minutes' time did not make it any better. I would have to tell them I was leaving their school eventually. 

Someone knocked on the door and I looked up, expecting it to be a student. It was John instead. 

"Hey," he mumbled. "You okay?"

I shrugged, noting his bad use of English in his words in spite of being an English teacher. "Yes, I suppose," I answered, I looked at him. He seemed forlorn. I didn't blame him, too much had happened in the space of two hours, too many secrets had been discovered. He had only gotten a warning but in reality he did not even deserve it, he had not done much. Barnes pretty much hated him and wanted to penalise him. 

"Where have Ella and Nathan gone?" he asked, walking over to the stool next to my chair and stumbling on it. 

"Ella's gone home for the day," I said, "and Nathan's off to a lecture." I recalled entering my classroom and finding him waiting for me, sitting in my chair. He told me about Malcolm picking his sister up, and warned me not to be stupid anymore. Then he left the room, saying that he had French or something. 

John nodded. "Good. I was worried that they might be at the principal's."

I shrugged once again and didn't answer, not wanting to comment about it. Malcolm had helped me out, but not John. All three of us: Ella, Nathan and I, had gotten out of it quite easily, but John had not. True, all he had got was a warning, but no one had stuck up for him.

Silence followed in the room, until students started entering. I exhaled. I was in no mood for all of this. I assigned them to work on a still life using different shades from the same hue, explaining what needed to be done, and left them to it. I wasn't going to go round to check on there work. Pretty soon I wouldn't be around anymore. John stayed in the classroom, leaning against my desk, with neither of us speaking. There wasn't much left to say. 

Halfway through the lesson I realised that there was one particular student, who had blond hair gelled to the side, who had been staring at me throughout the lesson for some reason or another. I found this quite surprising as he was usually one to work and not stall like many others. He was starting to get on my nerves, so I called to him, "Michael, is there anything you want to say? All you have done is stare, without even having done anything useful."

He jolted , as if surprised by my acting out on him, then shrugged. "It's nothing," he mumbled. Then he continued, "Actually, I wanted to ask you something sir."

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