Chapter 39

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Chapter 39- Ella's POV

 I pulled away from Edward and looked up into his lovely blue eyes, which didn't look blue at all in the semi darkness of a January evening. But I knew their colour by heart... it was my favourite colour in the world.

Edward's thumb ran across my cheek as he looked down at me lovingly. "I may have a lot of baggage from my past," he said in a low voice. "But I promise you, I am so in love with you that I could never, ever let you go. And that's a promise."

His words were making me melt right there and my hearbeat increased. I put both hands around his face, feeling his stubble underneath them, and looked up at him. "I'm in love with you, too," I whispered. Edward's face broke into a smile, which was suddenly interrupted by a sound coming from behind me. I turned around in confusion.

 My mother was standing behind Edward, hands on hips ans still holding her mobile phone to one ear. Her eyes darted from me to him as he slowly backed away from me and we broke all our physical contact. Edward's eyes met mine. Boy were we in trouble.

"Hang on Simon, I will call you back," my mum said into the phone. I gulped. Mum hung up and looked at the two of us, her eyes narrowing so much that I was wondering how she was able to see at all. Nobody said anything and there was no sound except for the sound of our hearts, beating loud and painfully. Finally mum spoke.

"What did I just witness here?" she yelled.

Why was our relationship like this all the time? When it wasn't Nathan giving us trouble, it was John, then it was the stalker, then the principal, then Beth, Lauren, my brother... and now my mother as well. It was as if nobody wanted us to be together. I shifted my eyes towards Edward, who looked as shocked as I did.

It was probably time to explain. I opened my mouth to speak. This should be... interesting.

Mum was mad. That was the only way I could describe her reaction. We told her the whole truth- well the outline, at least. How I met Edward, that he was my teacher, that Malcolm knew... everything. I couldn't hide from her anymore, seeing that she had practically heard us give vows of everlasting love to each other. And well, after she threw Edward out, she started yelling, really loudly.

I walked after her towards the kitchen- we had only talked with Edward next to the front door, yes I know, awkward- as I listened to her rant, which ran along the lines of, how stupid are you?... how could you let him use you like this? ... are you having sex with him? Your father would be so disappointed in you. How could you do this? You are not to see him again, do you hear me? I'm going to report him to the principal and have him fired from school so that he learns his lesson and doesn't do it to anyone else. How dare he pose as a friend of Malcolm's... and to think that I actually liked him. What was Malcolm thinking, knowing and not doing anything about it? I'll have you transferred out of his class, teachers these days. 

Well, that was basically it. I didn't utter a single word, what could I say? Nothing that I could say would convince her that Edward was not the crazy, perverted teacher she had decided he was. I drummed my fingers on the table as she looked at me.

"Do you not have anything to say? Nothing at all?" she asked me. Her voice had a cold tinge to it that I wasn't used to. Contrary as it might sound though, this was the most time she had spent with me in years.

I shrugged. "It's not like you're going to listen to what I have to say."

"I do listen Ella! I do my best and you know how difficult it is when I have to work and pay off debt at the same time! But this is absurd. Really, dating a teacher? That's the craziest thing I've ever heard!"

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