Chapter 51

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Chapter 51- Ella's POV 

I ran for my life, as fast as I could towards the front door, still hearing John banging his fist on the basement door. That would get him a bruise very soon, I mused in my state of confusion. I had to get out of here before he figured a way how to get out of there. My fingers fumbled for the lock and I was already starting to heave my sigh of relief as I started opening the door. 

But there was one problem. The lock wouldn't budge.

It was locked. 

Frantically, I shook at the door, but obviously that did not work either. John had locked the door and left no key. So we were both kind of trapped. The problem was, I didn't know my way around here like John did. 

Heart beating six hundred times a second, I looked around for a key to open the door. Maybe John would have left it here or something, I hoped. But a tiny voice in my head said, "He's no idiot. All of the keys are probably carried around with him all the time." I shook my head, desperate, and focused my attention on a window at the side. It too was bolted shut. This time I could not resist from rolling my eyes. I had been so stupid. How did I ever trust John? 

Aimlessly, I wandered towards the kitchen, feeling for my phone in my pocket. Luckily I had thought of changing before going down to the basement earlier, so I was not stuck looking like an idiot in pyjamas now. There was no time to change or anything. 

Coldness swept over me as I realized that my  phone was not in my pocket. I stopped, trying to remember what I had done with it. The clock ticked silently, adding to the tension there was in the room already. The image of me guiding myself down the stairs to the basement using the flashlight on my phone suddenly gazed up to me. Of course. I had taken it with me, and when I had been locked downstairs, I had tried to call for help, but there was no signal down in the basement. And when John had dragged me up the stairs, I hadn't been prepared, so my phone was left down there. Great. 

It's amazing how many details that you had forgotten, you start remembering while you're stressed. Details that are particularly irrelevant right now. I stood in the kitchen, looking forlorn, until I noticed a particular detail which I had never seen before. The back door. 

My eyes widened at the sight of it, and I rushed for it, anxious to get out, particularly because I realized that the sound John had been making had stopped, and that drove me suspicious to wonder what he was doing now. Had he found a way out? 

My thigh throbbed as I arrived in front of the door but I ignored it. I pushed the door to open, and it was a tense moment and a very anti-climax one when the door did not budge either. My blood ran cold, but then I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw that the door had a latch. I turned it, and eventually the door opened. I ran out the door at quickly as I could, and turned round the front, seeing that the back was nothing but woodland. Not that the front was any better. I knew that there was nowhere in particular that I could run to, the cottage did have others surrounding it but all of them were deserted. The rest of the road was just a long, ring road, which no one could possibly get away from except by car, because it was too far. But the situation I was in forced me to do anything I could to get out of this place. 

And so I started walking, knee throbbing, towards the left of the road, where I knew that John and I had come from. I walked and walked for a good ten minutes, until at last I had to stop for a break, because the pain that was shooting through my leg made me want to howl out loudly. I closed my eyes, knowing that I couldn't walk much anymore. I was injured and could not force myself to ignore the pain any longer. I looked around me, realizing that I was still in the middle of nowhere. 

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