Chapter 16

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Chapter 16- Nathan’s POV

I left the art room with a smile plastered on my face. Edward and John deserved to feel scared and worried, they were the ones to blame for what happened.

How is it that I never get what I want?

I sighed, thinking about Ella. I’d finally gotten the courage to ask her out and Edward had to go and ruin it by walking up the stairs right at that time. And I could tell she was absolutely mesmerized by him. I could see it in her eyes.

But it wasn’t Edward I was angry with most. It was John. As I started walking down the stairs, I recalled last Friday.

I had just hopped off the bus on the stop closest to my house, which unfortunately is next to a cemetery. I put on my earphones like I do every day, and blasted out Queen. It was only a two minute walk to our flat, which I shared with my mum and younger sister. I walked slowly, humming the lyrics to a song. I turned a corner and came face to face with the cemetery, which always gave me the shivers, even though I had lived opposite it my whole life. I glanced at the entrance absent-mindedly, and looked away, walking on. Then I stopped. What the hell had I just seen? I looked up once again, and took a step back.

There was a small blue car parked, and there were two people next to it.  They were kissing, and looked like they were really caught up in the moment. I don’t know how it was possible to do that next to a cemetery, but anyway, that was up to them. But I’d know those red and orange highlights anywhere. I knew who it was. Ella.

I bit my lip, defeated, realising that she must be in a relationship. Great. And she’d chosen to kiss her boyfriend right here in the street where I lived. I glanced at his car, which looked a bit familiar to me. She had an older guy and I could never compete with that. But the question was, who was he?

My mouth fell open as realisation struck me and I recognized his face. Was that… Mr Abbott? Edward’s friend? A teacher?

What the hell, I had told Ella to flirt with one teacher and here she is, kissing another one.

I stepped closer, knowing that they weren’t going to see me. A thought suddenly came to me, and I took out my phone, and took a couple of photos of them. I moved even closer and took some more photos. Then I turned and walked away.

That evening, I looked through the photos, blurred Ella’s face out, printed a couple of photos and put one of them in an envelope, and folded the other one. The next morning, I posted the envelope in Edward’s letter box, and on Monday, put the folded picture on the principal’s desk. Just like that, and I was ready. I hoped they’d both be confused by the photos.

I’d blurred out Ella’s face because I didn’t want anyone to find out who she was. I like her, I don’t want her to be in trouble. That’s all.

“Nathan!” I turned around to the familiar voice who was calling me. I narrowed my eyes.

John- or Mr Abbott, whatever you want to call him, caught up with me and stopped in front of me. “We need to talk.”

“No we don’t. Go back to your friend,” I answered, and just kept on walking, ignoring him.

Edward’s POV

The next few days passed by in a blur. I’d been looking for Nathan everywhere, but he wasn’t anywhere to be found. I even tried calling his house since I had the number, but he hung up as soon as he answered. I was waiting for Wednesday’s lesson with his class in anticipation, but when the day and lesson arrived, I was disappointed to see just Ella walking through the door. No matter how much I liked her, it was Nathan I needed to talk to.

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