Chapter 36

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Chapter 36- Edward's POV

I smiled at Ella as soon as she approached me. "Ready to go, babe?" I asked, holding my hand out to take her bag. 

Ella handed over her bag. Her face fell as soon as she saw the uncomfortable look on my face. Despite my efforts, I hadn't managed to mask the fact that I was shocked with the message I had received merely minutes before.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Everything's perfect," I mumbled. I resumed walking. Ella didn't, she called out my name instead.

"Edward!" she yelled with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

I turned around, and when I saw her expression I walked back to her, putting my arm around her. "It's okay, love. Let's go home and then we can talk."

Ella didn't say anything,  but instead listened to what I had said and started walking right next to me. I really couldn't afford telling her about the stalker's new threat in the middle of her street, could I? Nah, she would probably freak out... and I don't blame her at all. This was getting way out of hand.

Right then I remembered the short conversation I had just had with Malcolm before he left. I frowned. Now that was strange. I stopped in my tracks, making Ella stop with me. "Something weird happened today," I muttered.

Ella squinted, as if she hadn't heard me. "What?" she asked.

"I saw your brother. We talked. It was cool." I spoke in short sentences, annoying myself and probably even Ella. My conversation with Malcolm really was strange though. After getting angry for my being with Ella again, we started discussing his situation. And he had taken my advice.

This is absurd.

"Really?" Ella sounded surprised. "What did you two talk about?"

I bit my lip. "Um," I said. "First of all, he knows about us." I gave her a meaningful look. She nodded, as though to say that she knew, and encouraging me to go on. "He said he's getting help for problem. That's why he's going away this weekend." I couldn't find the proper word to say. Problem seemed to suit both of us fine.

Relief was visible on Ella's beautiful face. Damn, I could never get tired of looking at her. She's so beautiful.

"That's great! Wow," Ella shook her head, seeming to drift away into another world of happiness. She blinked and looked at me. "What else did he say?" Her eyes met mine.

"Well," I shifted the bag from one hand to another. "He told me to take care of you. So I guess he approves." I grinned at her.

Ella looked surprised. "Really?" She didn't give me any time to answer her though, she just jumped up at me and hugged me hard, then kissed me. I caught her and laughed.

"Careful!" I said, unable to wipe the stupid smile from my face. "I don't want you getting hurt." I placed a kiss on her temple, and we continued walking until we got to my house. Before taking out my keys, I turned to Ella and grabbed her wrists gently, and pulling her face to mine. "I love you," I said before kissing her softly.

Ella smiled as she pulled away. "I love you too," she said.

But suddenly I wasn't smiling anymore. Someone was standing a couple of metres away from us, staring. And from the look on her face, she wasn't happy. I stepped back from Ella.

I took out my keys and waved them to Ella, who had also seen her. She took them from me and opened the door to my house, while I went down the steps reluctantly. This is really not the way I pictured my afternoon to be.

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