Chapter 25

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Chapter 25- Ella's POV

The much anticipated day of my birthday arrived, making me eighteen years old. Legal. Since we were during the live-in, I couldn't really celebrate my birthday, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. After taking a shower and breakfast, I spent my morning taking part in an activity organized by a German teacher. And later, when we stopped for a break of one hour, I refused the offers to spend time with Jessica and Nathan, and instead wandered away to Edward's classroom, where he was waiting for me.

I could tell that he had tried to make my day as special as possible, and I tried to make the best of it, even though I felt agitated due to that fact that half the school was just a couple of storeys away.

Truth be told, Edward is probably the sweetest boyfriend one could ever have. I think we'd gone past the awkward days when I just felt.. well, awkward, with him because he's my teacher, and is older than I am. He'd prepared lunch for me and we just spent time together, talking and kissing and laughing...

The gift which he gave me was a portrait of myself, painted in monochromatic colours. I immediately loved it, and glanced at it in admiration before muttering, "My dad would love this."

I realised what I'd said when I glanced at Edward, who was looking at me intently, brows furrowed. I took a deep breath and sat down on the stool. And made a decision.

I had been wanting to tell Edward about my father for a while, and since he was the most important person in my life right now, and he was the only one who understood me, I decided to tell him right then. Of course, the fact that I'd mentioned my dad increased the pressure of having to talk to him about it, but it wasn't like I could do anything about it now.

"What'd you say?" Edward asked with a chuckle.

I wasn't smiling though. I sat up and started telling him what I had promised myself not to tell anyone, ever, even though people already knew about it through the news.

My dad, mum, Malcolm and I were never the happy family I wanted. Dad was always away at work, mum worked too and so Malcolm and I were left on our own most of the time. We took good care of each other though, and only drifted apart after what happened.

I had always thought that the way my father worked was strange. He'd have all these weird people coming over all the time, all of them looking gruff and scary. Malcolm and I were always scared of them, but when we complained to mum, she wasn't at all helpful. Then one time, precisely five years ago, I overheard my father talking to two men, There was a lot of shouting, and I hid in my room.

And the next morning, my father was gone. He was found a week later, dead. Someone had killed him.

A couple of weeks later, we found out why dad had been murdered. He used to bribe people, and someone was so angry at him that he'd done what other people had been wanting to do for a long time. And to make things worse, dad left debt after his death, so mum had to work even more.

So yeah, that's what happened to my family. It may seem stupid to want to hide it, but really, would you want your school friends to know about something like this?

Edward totally understood when I told him all of this, and right then, I felt so lucky to be with him. It's not every day that you find someone who's willing to listen, and understand. He said he felt guilty for not telling me more about his life, and promised that he would, but on the next day. He didn't want to ruin my birthday, he added. All of this made me even more curious about what he was hiding...

Without even knowing how, talk turned to our previous relationships. There wasn't much to tell about mine, really, I had only gone out with a couple of guys for a few dates before him. Oh, and John. But I didn't feel like I should mention him at the moment.

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