Chapter 32

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Chapter 32- Ella's POV

"Nathan knows?" I asked, completely forgetting that I had first thought that we were going to talk about John. I looked up to meet Edward's eyes. He rested his arms on the table and leaned closer.

"Yeah, he does," Edward answered in a low voice.

Our eyes locked for a few seconds as I wondered why he was standing so close to me. I took a deep breath. He was probably standing so close so that no one would overhear what he wanted to say.

Oh Edward, you have no idea how I feel when you stand so close... and still, so far.

Or maybe he did. And he was just teasing. I hate this feeling.

"Well, who is it?" I asked the most important question. My relationship with Edward wasn't as important as the person who was perstering him with notes and photos. I cared too much about him.

"That's the problem. I don't know." Edward shrugged, not realising that his words had made my heart sink. The issue with whom was sending the notes to him was never ending, and I was suddenly getting very tired of it.

"How's that even possible?" I asked, looking up at him in defeat.

"It is. Nathan figured it out and just as he was about to tell me, the firedrill rang. I can't help but think that someone did it one purpose."


Edward shrugged once again. "And I haven't seen him since. It's only been two days but I'm worried about him. What if something happens to him because he found out? It's possible." He looked at me in concern, a look which made me pity him. Without even realising, I placed my hand on his, and only realised it was there when he didn't remove it, but held on to it. "I tried calling him, but you know how he is. He's disappeared once again. Typical of Nathan, but this time I'm worried. For his safety." Edward sighed.

I understood that he probably felt guilty for anything that could happen to Nathan. I hoped nothing had, or nothing would. But if Nathan really had figured out who the person was, then he really would be in danger. I exhaled and looked up to Edward, whose eyes were far off. He glanced down at me and smiled, a barely there smile.

"It'll be okay," I tried assuring him, and myself.

"I hope so," Edward whispered, and squeezed my hand. "Sorry for burdening you with my problems. I have no one to talk to, especially since John..." he trailed off.

"It's okay," I insisted, trying to get Edward to think about something else rather than John, or even Nathan, with the hope that he would finally forgive me. "You can talk to me anytime."

"Thanks," Edward said, his brow furrowing. He let go of my hand and stood up straight. "I should have let you explain the other day," he muttered.

He took a deep breath and locked eyes with me. "I'm sorry I didn't. Could you please tell me exactly what happened between you and... him? Please tell me the truth though, I don't want to hear any more lies." His tone was surprisingly not insistent.

A surge of happiness rushed through me when I heard what Edward had said. He was finally going to let me explain! Okay, for sure it didn't mean that we would be able to fix things but at least he'll finally know the real truth, a truth that was so distant from what he believed. I inhaled deeply.

"Sure. I promise I won't lie to you."

Edward looked at me in concern, biting his lip in the process. I could tell he was nervous. "Go on," he said, standing up even straighter. I sighed, and decided to start from the very beginning.

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