Chapter 19

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Hi :) I hope you enjoy this, I tried my best :) 

Dedicated to my best buddy, because she's my number one fan and if it weren't for her, I would have stopped writing this. 

Chapter 19- Ella's POV

The evening with Nathan and his friends passed by quickly. I felt comfortable with them, especially Daniel, who had become one of my friends. And I didn't mind the others, although they were the ones who had agreed with Nathan for me to do that dare on the first day of school. 

And I have to admit, I wasn't all there that night. I was thinking about Edward the whole time. Nathan didn't do anything out of the ordinary, he just hung out with me and bought me a couple of drinks. And when we decided to go home, he waited with me to get the bus before getting his, and then asked me to go out with them again. And that was the end of our Saturday night. I went off to sleep, and didn't think much of it. All I wanted was to see Edward. 

Sunday passed by slowly. I couldn't wait to go to school. I wanted to see Edward so badly. But the lesson I had with him wasn't until Wednesday, and I didn't feel confident enough to go to the art room to talk, or to text him. And when Wednesday arrived, I didn't say much to him. It was cowardly, I know, but I just didn't know what to say. He had admitted he liked me on a text message, but that was all. He didn't really try to talk to me after that.

I couldn't take it anymore on Thursday, and I decided to go to the art room and spend some time there, pretending to sketch something. I just wanted to spend time with him. I knew he had the second and third lesson free, so after my first lesson with Mrs Brimmer, I headed off to his classroom.

Edward smiled when he saw me enter the room. He was sitting at his desk, correcting homework. 

"Hey, come in love," he said. He glanced back at his work before setting it aside, and stood up. "What's up?" he asked. 

I closed the door and turned back to him. My action seemed to startle him because he looked at me in interest, and his eyebrows furrowed with thought. I just smiled at him. "Um, I have a double free, so it would be better for me to be here than elsewhere." 

Why he was startled by me closing the door I didn't understand. I only wanted to spend time with him without anyone interrupting. 

He nodded. "Okay. That's awesome. Sit anywhere you want." He walked over to me and stood in front of me. "Nice to see you," he said with a smirk. "How did it go on Saturday?"

I looked at him in confusion before realising that he was talking about the outing with Nathan. I nodded. "Yeah, but it would've been better if I spent it with you." 

Edward bit his lip. "That's true," he said with a grin. "But at least we got to text."

"Yeah, I enjoyed that," I said. 

"Me too," he replied, his eyes gleaming. He looked away. "Um, I'm sorry, but I have to get back to my corrections. I have to give them back today. But... if you need anything just tell me, okay? I'd much rather spend my time with you."

My heart leaped in my chest when he said that. I smiled at him. "Sure," I said. 

Right then, I felt his hand on mine, and I looked at him. "Hey, my number's faded away," he said, pretending to look sad. He grinned at me. "Glad you saved it though. You should tattoo it next."  He winked at me.

"You keep on saying that and I will do that," I answered. 

"You can't, you're underage," he said. He stopped and seemed thoughtful once again, probably troubled by the fact that he said I was underage. That bothered him so much. He let go of my hand and turned away, walking towards his desk. He sat down and put the sheets in front of him. 

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