Chapter 17

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Hi :) Enjoy!

Side photo is of Malcolm, Ella's brother.

Chapter 17- Ella's POV

I watched as Edward walked down the hall, away from the students, and away from all the stares he had been getting because of his weird behaviour. As I walked to class with Daniel, Nathan's friend, I wondered what was really going on with Edward and Nathan.

Edward seemed to have a complicated life. I'd noticed that immediately when I met him, but confirmed it when he said that he couldn't risk getting Nathan in trouble, because it would turn out to be worse for himself. Okay, so he had trouble with Nathan, and Nathan had claimed that he hated him because of something he had done to him.

And then there was the issue with a student who hit Edward, whose identity he had protected from me. But I wasn't stupid, I knew it was Nathan. The guy was pretty violent, even with me that one time he'd twisted my arm back on the second day of school.

And Edward also had another issue: the notes and photos he was getting. They were things which one would have to worry about, but the extent to which Edward worried showed that there were things he wanted to hide, and stuff from his past that he wanted buried. Yep, I know I sound like a stalker, but I do have to be careful about whom I like, right?

"Are you even listening to me?" Daniel interrupted my thoughts. I smiled and nodded, and he continued his rant about some subject, which I clearly wasn't interested in. I turned my thoughts back to Edward. I'll have to find out more about him, and I have to talk to him. Though he didn't look like he wanted to talk much yesterday.

The day passed by slowly and was very boring. I counted the hours until the last lesson, which was English. I just wanted to get home and relax. I had been overthinking way too much.

When the clock finally chimed 2pm, I started walking out of the school and towards the bus stage, which was quite far away from the school. Just as I was exiting the school grounds, my phone beeped, signalling a new text. I stopped hesitantly and saw whom it was from. Oh... it was Malcolm. My brother. How unusual for him to text.

I reluctantly opened the message and read it. It said, "Hey sis, I'm picking you up from school today :) wait for me next to the bus stop, I'll be there in 5."

I replied with a quick okay, and started my walk to the bus stop, wondering what was up. It was quite strange of him to act nice with me... especially after what happened to dad. But I knew he still cared about me, taking the overprotective brother role.

I arrived on the bus stop, which was already filled with people, luckily for me, I didn't know any of them. My brother arrived after a couple of minutes in his green Golf car. He smiled at me as I opened the door on the passenger side. "Hey sis," he said.

I didn't reply as I closed the door behind me. Then I turned to him, looking at him in interest. My twenty year old brother, well known with girls due to his excessive good looks, was picking me up from school for the first time in around three years. "Hey Malcolm," I answered.

My brother had dark floppy hair, light brown eyes and a fair complexion. He was quite tall and liked wearing designer clothing, which was actually legitimate since it was he who worked for his own money, and didn't depend on mum. He was a mechanic, and took afternoon classes, studying law.

We weren't really close... we had drifted apart after dad's death, but there were moments, like this one, when I felt like I could really relate to him. He was, after all, the only brother I had.

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