Regrets and Looking Like Sex

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Omniscient POV

"Come here, princess." Maverick pulls her into his lap on the edge of her bed. "Let me make you feel better." Tugging her dress over her head he lays her on the bed. Situating himself between her legs he licks her into a never ending cycle of orgasms that seem to move heaven and earth. Lulling her to sleep with his tongue, Maverick puts the rest of his master plan in motion.

Throwing the returned gifts in the backseat of his truck Kyst gets in the driver's seat and punches the steering wheel over and over until his knuckles are raw. He screams and curses until the rawness of his knuckles matches his throat. He allows himself to do something he hasn't done in over 10 years. He cries. His sobs are angry, fueled by the death and destruction that have ruled his life since the untimely death of his mother. He cries out for his mother, for her guidance, from the lonely depths of his shattered emotionless heart. His 'I'll fuck you over before you fuck me over' attitude backfired, like he never imagined it would.

But why with her? Why with Lyric? He's never lashed out at her, she's always been in his corner. He's always known no matter what if anyone was beside him it's always been her. To fight for him, to shoot for him, have an alibi for him, bail him out of jail, hide drugs and money for him, pull licks with him, teach him, and give love to him. It's always been Lyric. And now knowing he no longer has her is enough for him to end his life. 

Life's never been particularly good or fair for Kyst. Even when his mother was alive. She loved him, but her addiction was her main priority. He always had to fight and struggle to take what life owed him. So Maverick now having Lyric just made him realize he is promised nothing good in life, nothing solely for him, nothing or no one to love him and only him. It wouldn't matter if it is Maverick, Johnny, or Tony, any man Lyric loved besides him, he will always hate. Because Lyric is his. She is his safe haven.

Yes she's beautiful, of course he's highly sexually attracted to her, and yes their sex is amazing, but that's all surface. Kyst is latched onto Lyric because she saw him for the walking cloud of darkness that he is and still loved him. She saw past all his hard grimey hateful exterior of 'Killa' and loved the abandoned, hurt, neglected little boy. She loved Kyst. Just the way she says his name makes his heart flutter. She is the first person that he allowed to call him his government name since his mother passed and he became 'Killa'.

Through those five years she nurtured and cared for Kyst, not Killa. She allowed him to emerge from the darkness and be loved by her. Lyric allowed him to be Killa to everyine else and never told his secrets to anyone, she never exposed Kyst to anyone. But today under that same pressure, that she's endured with her head held high like the diamond that she is, he crumbled and turned on her. Now it's up to him to fix what he's wronged.

"Fuck! I hope this shit works otherwise I'm gonna have to kill this dude." Taking a couple of deep breaths he attempts to calm himself before reentering Lyric's house. As he opens the door to her loft it's just the person he does and doesn't want to see.

"Uhh, Lyric up?"


"Good. I , uhh, I need to talk to you fam."

"What's good?' Maverick answers him all the while focusing on his task at hand.

"You kept it a g when you tried to squash it earlier. I should have listened before shit got completely fucked up. I know y'all togehter and shit, but I love her. She's the only female I've ever loved. Shit she's the only person I've ever loved. She's my little man's mother and hands down the realest and most important person in my life. You and me will probably never see eye to eye, but I can tolerate y'all being together. I appreciate you getting my little g that day he was sick. You also stepped up asking me if I was cool with you being around him."

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