My Hotline

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Maverick POV

"My guy that is the craziest shit I've ever experienced!" Silas says jogging over to me after shorty walks away. I truly don't know if I'm more stunned by the fact that she pulled the tool, that it was diamond studded, that she walked away like nothing happened, or how incredibly phat her ass was. I know I shouldn't be thinking any of the last three things, but my sweats ain't doing shit to hide how hard my dick is right now. I'm literally stuck just watching her and that ass walk away. I NEED her.

"Mav bruh! You here son?!" Silas waves his hand in my face.

"Uhh yeah, what's good?!" I'm completely at a loss for words.

"Bruh lil mama just pulled that shit out like we ain't at a prestigious ass school or like that shit ain't a felony in New York. She wildin for the streets!"

"Si I want her son!"

"Mav that's not a good look!" He tries to persuade me.

"No like I NEED her Si!" I try to convey the urge hat I still feel to go find her, even after what just transpired between us.

"Nah Mav, that's a dub! Lil mama deaded you before shit even happened!" He slaps my chest.

"I mean honestly I don't blame her. I got wild outta pocket with her and then I grabbed her. Shorty had all right to pull her tool. But fuck Si, did you see her?! She was gorgeous and so innocent, but her body had my dick on 1000!" I say readjusting my sweats again.
"I mean you're speaking 100% big facts, but she don't look like she play that shit Mav. She looks like she's here for her education and that's it!"

"Si I gotta find her!"
"Maverick, do you hear yourself, dog? We in one of the biggest universities in the state, how the fuck you gonna find her and shorty ain't even give you her math or name?!" He looks at me like I'm stupid or bugged out.
I mean I am, but I've never wanted somebody so fuckin badly in my life.
"Trust, I'mma find lil mama." I say with a confident smile. "C'mon son we got practice."

Lyric POV

I know I just aced that easy ass test it literally took me 25 minutes to finish it and it had 75 questions. Since I get out of class a whole hour early I call Remy to see how London's doing.

"Hey my baby mama!"
Hey baby mama#2!" I laugh. "How's our prince doing?"
"Londy come talk to mommy, papi!"
"Hi mommy! I miss chu!"
I smile hearing my little nugget, " Hi papi! I miss you too my Reecey Pieces! Whatcha doin with Tete and Gigi?"
"I pwayin and watchin Paw Patrol and PJ Mask!!"
"Ooww you watchin without me?! I'm gonna get you London!!"
"No you not! Tete said I could watch it!" He giggles through the phone.
"OK my love, I guuueeeessss you can watch it then! I love you London!"
"I wove you more mommy! Here Tete, otay?!"

"Yeah baby! Hey Rem, he's good 'til me and Killa get him?"
"Bitch of course my son good! You know mommy spoilin him! Got him eating stew chicken rice and peas, and all the damn ice cream he askin her for!"
"Hell nah! That's a dub don't give him allat sugar!"
"Tell that to mommy, bitch!" She laughs crazy loud, but what do I expect it is Remy's loud ass! "Ooooowwwwww bitch, you gonna let Killa, kill that cat?!"
"Nooo stupid! He's just my best friend, that's it!"
"Bitch STAWP! You not slick, lil hoe I seen you kiss him the last time he dropped dat juicy ass off!"
"Yeah we kiss sometimes, but that's it!" I plead my case.

"Bitch you expect me to believe fine ass, can get any bitch he wants, Killa just kisses you?! Bitch miss me with the bullshit!!" She hollers.
"First off where is London while you talkin all wreck less like th-"
"My baby good! He's watching TV in the other room!" She interrupts me with her loud ass, "Don't try to change the subject you ain't slick!"
"Fine! He's actually fingered me like 2 or 3 times, but forreal that's it!!" Damn I sound like a broken record.
"Bitch that's a lotta 'that's it'! Are you sure?!" She laughs again.
"Yes, I swear its only happened like 2 or 3 times, but no more."

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