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Omniscient POV

"Welcome to 'Café du Soleli'!" The pretty waitress welcomes the group. "My name is Genesis and I'll be your server for the evening. I'll have some extra hands helping out tonight for such a special large party. And a very Happy Birthday to Ms.Lyric!" She smiles warmly.

"Thank you!"

Genesis goes around the table and takes everyone's drink orders.

"Mama, you want a drink?"
"I just ordered one."
"No, like a birthday drink?"
"Oohhh!" She laughs at her naivety. "Umm sure, but I can't order it."

"Mama, do you truly think she's gonna care? We closed down the whole rooftop for you!" He smiles.

"Really?! Oh my gosh I just thought we were early or something!"
"Oh God, mama! You're so cute! Nah, this place has reservations months out."
"So how the hell did you get the whole rooftop?!"
"People we know." He shrugs.
"You should be ashamed!" She chastises jokingly.

"Londy, you OK?" Lyric asks a highly occupied London.
"Yeah. Nana Ivy pwayin wis me on my new tabet!"

"New tablet?! Mama Ivy?!" Lyric blinks rapidly trying to comprehend the highly suspect situation.

"Umm, no ma'am! Ask ya man!" She laughs pointing at Maverick.

"Maverick Zane DiRichie! You bought a THREE year old a damn tablet?!"

Smiling his most innocent smile, he flutters his eyelashes, "See what had happened was...his birthday is soon and you got a bunch of presents so it was only right for him to get a present too?"

"Oh my gosh, Maverick that's the newest Samsung Galaxy tablet. That thing is almost $1,000. That's absolutely absurd. It's bigger than his torso! He's gonna break it!"

"No he's not. I got a personalized case and he can grow into it. Plus I'm surprised you didn't have one for him already."

"How much did the case cost, what like another $75? And 'grow into it', really? Its not a little sweatshirt. Its an almost $1,000 electronic device for a baby! You're ridiculous. I can't deal with you spoiling him or me!" She laughs feeling like she's in the Twilight Zone with how he carelessly spends money.

"Hush mama. It's whatever and everything has a warranty. Plus you're like the cheapest secret millionaire I've ever met!"

"Well Mr.Know-It-All, I've had to work my ass off since I was 15 for everything I have. And I don't have that money yet, so I'm just regular Lyric."

Cupping her face Maverick kisses her softy, "Trust me mama, you've never just been just regular Lyric. You've always been special." He kisses her again.

Feeling a gust of cold air Lyric looks up to the entrance of the igloo. She feels like she's seen a ghost.

"What the fuck is Kyst doing here?!" She whisper yells, snapping at Maverick. Her eyebrows furrowed together in absolutely confusion as to how and why he's at her birthday dinner.

"Mama, before you make me nutless or kill me, hear me out. He came in and apologized while you were asleep and we kinda squashed shit."

"What and WHAT?! Kinda talked? What after I kicked him out?!"

"Yeah baby. Just go talk to him cause I invited him for you. He and I will probably neva fuck with each other, but y'all gotta kid and rock hella hard." He shrugs.

"Why are you so perfect?! Can't you just be a crazy possessive boyfriend?!"

"I'm not perfect. Remember our first introduction?! I've made plenty of mistakes. Just ask Roxy!" He chuckles.

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