Sincerely, Lyric

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Theme song: "Free" by Perri Jones

Omniscient POV

Completely unphased Lyric strips out of her scrubs and walks to her duffle bag she brought with her.

"Aye, Lyric! Ma, come on! What are you doing?!" Shocked at her behavior, Kyst questions her actions.

"What does it look like? I'm putting on clean clothes. I'm not getting caught with bloody scrubs, drenched in his blood." Pulling on Maverick's sweatshirt she follows up by tugging on her black leggings.

" Pulling on Maverick's sweatshirt she follows up by tugging on her black leggings

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"I get that, but mama there are men in here."

"For too long I've been taken advantage of, shamed, or violated for my body. It's mine and mine alone. They're gonna look regardless of what I have on, but unless they wanna end up like him." She motions towards Rowan's highly disfigured corpse. "They better not even think about touching what doesn't belong to them. Pop 'Lessio, I love you. I gotta go home and get showered." Hugging him she leans up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Kysty, I love you too. Thank you so much for this. You have no idea what this meant to me. I literally owe you London and my lives. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and for that I'll forever be grateful." Hugging him tightly she allows a few tears to run down her face and leak on to his sweatshirt. Squeezing her with his all he kisses the top of her head.

"No need mama. You saved me the same time I saved y'all. Our little family saved each other. You  know you and London are my everything. I love you and I'm just happy you finally got your closure, baby. You my little rider, always and forever. Kila Fyre for eternity, mama." Pulling away she interlinks their pinkies. 

"Killa Fyre for eternity." Lifting their intertwined hands to their mouths they both kiss their hands. "I love you so much Ky."

"And I love you more, baby." Smiling, he taps her chin.

Smiling she turns to walk away to leave the scene of her long awaited revenge.

"Lyrie?" Alessio calls behind her.

"Yeah?" She pivots and faces the men.

"I want to train you for more assignments. If and only if you want to." Alessio states.

"What about med school? What about Mav? He'll kill us!" She snickers.

"Med school is a must. I would never stop you from that. I'll handle my son. But just think about it. That surgical training  will definitely come in handy."

"I'll think about it, Pop. Love you guys. Get this shit cleaned up!" She yells. Then bursts into laughter. "I've always wanted to say that! Goodnight boys!" Lyric walks out to the warm midnight air.

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