Time for Slime

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Omniscient POV

"Hello? What do you want?"
"What a are the plans first London's birthday?"
"Are you serious right now? You haven't

seen him since my birthday and then just pop up outta nowhere askin about plans?!" A very livid Lyric snaps back.

"Mama, where do you want me to put the goodie bags and cake?!" A struggling Maverick comes in with London's 3 tier cake and overly stuffed party bags.

"Hold on Kyst."Running over to Maverick she helps by taking the goodie bags.

"Jesus Papa! What the heck did they put in these things? These are huge!" She opens the bags to see full sized Nickelodeon plushies, candy, bubbles, action figures, and whatever else she can't see at the bottom of the full sized bags. "Maverick this is absolutely absurd! I said trinkets not souvenir bags!" Laughing in disbelief she just smiles at him.

"Sorry, hell I don't know the difference!" He smiles and shrugs, "I'll get it right one year!"

"Wow! Step daddy is planning my son's birthday?!" Lyric hears Kyst grumbling since her phone is still pressed against her ear. Excusing herself, Lyric walks into her snow covered backyard.

"Watch ya mouth! He didn't plan it, I did! And you would know that had you not thrown your damn mantrum ass hissy fit at the end of MY birthday! Better yet correction at the BEGINNING and END of my birthday! If you had focused on London you would know what the fuck was going on! If you want to come, it's at the Mall of America's 'Nickelodeon Universe American Dream' in Jersey. It starts in two and a half hours. We'll be leaving in an hour and a half."

"How many people R.S.V.P'd, Lyric?"

"Umm most of his class so like 16 kids and their parents. Some are bringing siblings."

"How much was the party, Lyric?" Kyst keeps punctuating his sentences with her name out of complete annoyance.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

Taking a very deep breath she attempts to calm herself, "Maverick and his mother were inisistent upon paying for it. I did the deposit and the day after my birthday it was refunded and I was informed it was taken care of. So if you want to give them money towards it I can ask them."

"Wow! So what is this like a charity to them or some shit? Lyric, what the fuck they think this is? We good over here. We been throwing him birthdays way before they walked their rich asses into London's life."

"Well look Kyst, I don't know what to tell you. The shits taken care of. Either you come or don't. Regardless of how you're feeling towards me or them it's London's birthday and he'll be crushed if you don't come."

"Just ask them how much I owe them."

"Alright. Well I gotta go an get him ready."

"Aight, bye shorty."

"Bye, Kyst." Hanging up she stuffs her phone in her pocket. "Gooooooddddd! He's so infuriating!" Lyric yells in the cold mid-winter air.

"You good mama?"
"Am I ever when I talk to him now?"
"You right, what's up though? What he want?"

"To bitch me out about the fact that you paid for everything. He wants to give you the money, so can you tell me how much he owes you?"

"Mama, I'm not doing that childish ass shit. I paid for it and that's it. Come on beautiful, we gotta get you and the leap year baby ready! Only ya weird ass has a leap year baby!" Maverick laughs wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her deeply. His hands wandering to grope and massage her ample backside.

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