One and Done

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Lyric POV

Once we catch our breath it really hits me what the fuck I just did. Shit Lyric! You really fully fucked Kyst? What are you thinking?! I ask myself. Sitting up I scoot to the edge of my bed.

"I'm gonna go take a shower."
"Aight, be there in a minute."
"OK." Walking into the bathroom I see 3 big ass hickies Kyst put on my neck and the 2 bite marks on my shoulder. "Fuck", I mumble. I'm going to kill him!

Letting the hot water pour onto my face and run down my sore body, I feel his arms wrap around my waist. Kyst presses my back to his chest and I feel his package against my ass as he begins kissing the back of my neck and shoulder.

Sighing at how safe and comfortable I feel, but I know even with how amazing it feels now, its not reality. Kyst and I being together truly happy is not reality because monogamy is not Kyst's natural mindset. And honestly, I'm OK with that. I know he loves me and I love him, but we just can't be more than what we are.

"I know, mama. It was a one and done." He kisses my shoulder again.
I nod in agreement.

"I'm hella glad it happened and we experienced that together, but I love you way too much to hurt you. I can't and won't lie to you and tell you I'm ready to settle down and be faithful to only you. Cause I've neva had to be with just one female. I would rather die than to ever hurt you and London like that; by cheating with some bitch, baby." He kisses my shoulder again.

Turning around, I cup his face in my hands, "How'd I get so lucky to get my fallen angel?!" I stare deeply into his dark brown eyes and pull his face down to meet my lips. I press our lips together and just like our bodies worked in sync so do our lips and tongues. I put all my love and emotions into the kiss. Kyst has opened up parts of my heart that I had closed off permanently. I kiss him one last time before gazing into his beautiful face.

"I really love you, Kyst Pharaoh Ilium."
"And I really love you too, Lyric Nova Fyre." He grabs my ass and hugs me closer to his body.
"I know its supposed to be a one time thing, but Lyric I swear one female should not be this fuckin bad! Like I swear whoever finally gets you, fam is the luckiest man alive!" He smiles and kisses me, still grabbing and kneading my ass. He groans and throws his head back, "Your ass is softer then a cloud, ma! How did you end up with all this ass and body?!"

Laughing and shaking my head, "My mom, she was gorgeous! Looked like a model with brains for days! She owned and was the lead biochemist at 'Melanin Mixery'" I smile proudly.
"Damn ma and ya pops co-owned "Fyre Marks" right?"

"Ma, you should be a fuckin millionaire or some shit!"
"I probably am, but Carlton and Olivia have no idea where I am or how to contact me. So they can't give me those documents." I say while washing my body.
"Mama, you need that for you and London. Y'all would be set for life. And you wouldn't have to keep putting ya life in danger doing no more street shit, with me."

" I know, its just, I'm not ready for that conversation. They think the world of that bastard and grandchild or not I don't want them to have any dealings with London." Turning the shower off we get wrapped in our towels.
"I know baby, but he really is their grandson and they had no idea about what was happening. Don't you want them to know him? Don't you want him to know his other grandparents?" He asks making reference to mama Amina.

"To be completely honest Kyst, I know its kinda whack of me, but no I don't. He knows his Gigi, his Tete, and you. That's enough for me. I mean my heart breaks thinking that eventually I may have to tell my whole world that he was conceived by his psychotic sperm donor brutally raping me after only being 15 for 3 months and a high school graduate for 2 weeks! So introducing him to that world now, nah I'm good."

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