Chapter 3:Front door

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*Kyojuro's POV*
     You... never quite realize how boring it is to look at such a drab image right in front of you until you actually do it, staring at that one picture for hours on end if you really have the patience. Go on for long enough, and you'll start to feel thoughts creeping up onto you inside your headspace. No distractions, just... a blank, mindless stare. It's a common 'sport' of mine that usually gifts me with new ideas and intuitive plans-

    With all that said, I come up empty handed on this occasion. 

     I'm blankly staring up at the ceiling of my room as I comfortably lay in my futon on my back, and my thoughts are running wild while I try to make sense of everything. The ventilation of my room's open shoji door to the garden brought gentle and warm breezes to prance around my personal area. After an eventful day like yesterday, most would still most likely be on the topic of the decision that was met to let the Kamado siblings go on with their journeys; I haven't thought about it at all, just barely touched on the subject before being swept into this current dilemma.

     I'm plotting... trying to come up with what actions I can possibly play out to successfully get to know the Ice Pillar better. My mind's been going on with the treacherous feat ever since I talked with the man of the house, and this evening; I actually put some time out of my day to think about it. Sure, I could be training, but I can easily put that off for another hour, I train all the time, anyways. 

     "-We can go out to dinner with the other Pillars sometime... maybe to that little place that Mitsuri took me to once with Shinobu where they put on dances for the visitors ..." I said in a quiet voice while I caught a leaf by it's stem as it floated through the air and into my room. I twiddled the green, little frond across the grasp of my digits as my other hand went to tug at my shirt from where it's tucked into my Hakama pants.

      "... Hm... no. (y,n) barely ever interacts with us on normal occasions when we all get together. I doubt she'd be willing to spend time with us past anything unrelated to work..." I mumbled to myself as my fingers found their way to get an itch on my collarbone, and I crossed out yet another idea at what to do.

     You've gotta be kidding me! I've been going at this for an hour now, and still nothing! So many creative and bright briefings have come by in this brainstorm, and yet; there's somehow a way for (y,n) to shoot down absolutely all of them. This is borderline impossible if she can veto everything I think up.

     In a bout of frustration and annoyance, I turned over onto my stomach, muffling my yells of vexation into my pillow as I hugged the cushiony-soft object tightly. It absorbed my groan till the very end, hiding my out-of-pocket irritation from the rest of the Rengoku household.

     "-They'll do whatever it takes just to be alone, and they don't care if it means hurting the ones that try to step into their emotional bubble." I surfaced my face from the confines of the pillow as the words of my father faintly crossed my mind, echoing throughout my head as my bangs partially fell over my face. Right... that, took a seat somewhere off in my mind this morning to linger then on. 

    I understand how my old man might be a little more "up to date" with being alone, since he's acted in a similar way ever since my mother passed. He makes it clear that he wants to be left to his own thoughts, and when someone steps in the way, he makes it a point to lash out and put thing back to how he likes them. I want to believe his advice as much as it's worth, give him the benefit of the doubt, but... should I really take advice from a man, whose values have dimmed to nothing more than pessimistic dreariness? He's a cup half empty type of guy- who would then probably knock the cup over to complain about it- and only truly sees the world in one light; pointless. I almost think he's being brash out my whole situation, though there's no saying that he really is. 

Cold hearted (KyojuroxReader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя