Chapter 39:Money

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~

Take a breath in, and don't think of their last breaths.

     I stare mindlessly, thoughtlessly from the entrance to the district, my mind silent among the biome of orders and voices spewing through the air. I think that if I tried to move right now, I'd fail, just like all my other senses have 

Take a breath out, knowing that others were robbed of that privilege.

     I raised my foot up to the sticky sound of decay stretching off from the ground. The impact of force from this one was so great that it went past the gates... spreading the entrails everywhere. They were so close to making it out, escaping to freedom. But they didn't, and each move shows the sickening finishing touches.

Feel the blood being carried back into your appendages and let it end at your fingertips, let that life draw over the places where it lingers no longer.

     I glanced back up to the massacred town before my blank, (e,c) eyes, to the smashed and torn apart bodies of the citizens, some still not covered by the deceased blankets being placed down by the frantic Kakushi. Muichiro and I stand in front of what steps will take us into the heat of this body pile of a town.

And start your day like everyone survived to dawn break.

      We weren't sent here this time to an unbeknownst fate. No, we were sent here to figure out what caused this. Destroying the catalyst?... That's not promised on our schedules.


     "-You think the town was targeted because of their money distribution?" My eyes finally crawled up from the deep caverns of information inside the folder previously handed to me to look at the Kakushi with me and the Mist Pillar, tent set up away from most of the carnage remaining on the city streets. A nod was given to me as I took the gourd of water next to me for a sip, laying out the information before me across the tent floor. I scaled out the papers as our company glanced back into my eyes nervously.

     I thought I'd be trapped in that mess for months. It's a natural disaster full of taxing and city bills at the perception of the common eye. Just a pattern of monthly numbers from businesses inside and out of these walls- until it stops all of a sudden in the last month. Just one company, only one.

     295,000 yen a month to a supposed delivery service... gone cold back in late spring. I've never heard of some shipping business getting that much for every trip that they make, you don't find that type of money earned for even the best of common goods. Maybe sea-boarding for some of the other islands of Japan... but we aren't anywhere near the coast.

     " 'Know what this delivery place is?" I asked the man while setting the folder down, tapping on the last point that money was documented in the files. The helper with us shrugged helplessly, swimming through many of the other documents and handing some to Muichiro to look over too. We need to find out whatever this place actually is, it's already so suspicious for a town such as this to have this listed in the records. Sure, they were a prospering city, but payments like as these tend to be split up upon multiple trading routes.

     "We could look for some hints in a few hours after we get the rest of the bodies covered, we still have a lot of places to clean up..." The Kakushi mentioned to me.

     "We don't have that type of time on our hands, unfortunately. We're on a tight schedule, here." I simmered when gathering up the papers and sorting them back together, still keeping sight on the expensive statistics. The deal with this service is bugging me- it might be one of our only clues. Nothing else about this former district has stood out to the eye, and we definitely can't go back to headquarters empty handed.

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