Chapter 7:Heat

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~
      I can't take this... I feel like passing out right now, one shuffle after the other under this sweltering heat with nothing to help me. It's as if I've been forced to tread through the fires of hell-

     Ok-... maybe not that, that's a little exaggerated. Still... it's as hot as all get out. Walking next to Kyojuro, the sun high overhead, well; it's only becoming more difficult to stand the summer shine. I keep tugging on my collar, a fruitlese try to cool myself down without drawing any suspicion my way. It's barely working, I can feel the sweat dripping down my face thanks to the strain.

     "-Ah, don't you just love the warmth of a summer day? I sure do!" Shielding his eyes to look at the sky, the Flame Pillar laughed loudly. He breathed in deeply to treat his lungs to the fresh afternoon air, really taking the time to enjoy the moment. Of course he enjoys summer. His entire persona screams the element of fire, from his hair, all the way to his breathing technique. It's not a surprise to hear such opinions from him, almost expected, even.

     "I hate the warmth..." I grumbled delicately with resonance ringing at the back of my words, lifting up my haori sleeve to flick away the sweat continuing to bead at the temples of my forehead.

     Being a Breath of the Ice user definitely comes with its perks... and hefty tolls as well. After so long of working to be accustomed to the cold (which is a crucial skill that must be mastered just to get past the starting line), we end up tipping the balance in our body's, screwing things up for a long and painful time.

     Conclusion: we do terrible in the heat.

     Us "Ice Slayers" get so used to wintery climates that we become a hell of a lot more susceptible to issues caused by heat. Extra sweating, maybe  dehydration? Hah, I wish it was that measly, then it wouldn't be so problematic. Dizziness, heavy fevers, literal heat stroke- ... to name a few. I've had my fair share of issues with the effect. It's a dilemma that arose ever since the breathing technique was created, and one that still hasn't been solved. Even me, the only disciple who managed to surpass the last Ice Pillar, hasn't figured out how to make things just a bit easier for everyone.

     Tortured by a shudder after another wave of heat whisked by us, I was quick to slip off my haori and drape it over my shoulder. I know it's a light material, but GOSH is it only making this worse. Kyojuro looked down to observe my silent suffering after hearing my comment, and his smile shook with realization as I met his eyes.

     "(y,n)! Are you alrigh-"

     "Fine. I'm fine." I responded to him and cut his sentence short. I don't need him getting worried about me, that'd be a nightmare to bear through. Him, stopping everything else just to make sure I'm ok, doing anything in his power to ensure my needs are satiated. I can't imagine what it'd be like... seeing his smile hold emotions more than just simple happiness, and to be treated like I'm the only other matter in his world.

     There are some who would die to receive that special treatment from Kyojuro, one of the more popular figures out of the Hashira. As anyone could tell, I'm not riding along that bandwagon. It'd be an inconvenience for us to stop and check up on me-... I would be the inconvenience. Knowing a good portion of the West, I'm aware that it'll be long before we get to Nichibotsu, and we can't get stuck on my issue and slow down. I just have to push everything under the rug for now; mission first, possibility of overheating later.

     "-Hey! What are you doing?" I backed away from Kyojuro all of a sudden when he took a few steps closer to me on the path, frowning at him as he cracked an innocent smile.

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